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Suragch's user avatar
Suragch's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
3 votes

Introducing the Staging Ground, an attempt at improving the first-time asker experience - What was asking your first question like?

35 votes

Outdated Accepted Answers: flagging exercise has begun

9 votes

Add a small notification about declined flags

-2 votes

What is the proper way to update an answer when it is no longer valid?

357 votes

How do I hide the left navigation sidebar?

5 votes

Including other people's answer into your own accepted answer

50 votes

Is it encouraged to bump (update) old answers

13 votes

Sunsetting Documentation

31 votes

Help set Q&A (TeamDAG) product development priorities

17 votes

I'd like to see job ads for part-time or freelance work

22 votes

2017 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection

7 votes

Search not finding methods in code searched for by name

13 votes

Is it worth answering an old question that already has 20+ answers?

8 votes

What if documentation took its content from Stack Overflow Q&A?

-12 votes

Users are creating Topics in Docs without any guidance or cautions

58 votes

How can I get questions un-downvoted?

10 votes

Does this site value / accommodate contributions of people with disabilities?

15 votes

Am I free to express my feelings toward some SO participant on my own blog outside SO?

5 votes

Good question templates

10 votes

Can I remove one of my badges?

16 votes

Do I up-vote too much?

19 votes

Why is Documentation not ordered in any discernible way?

26 votes

Can you ask a question you know is way over your own head?

3 votes

How can I ask better "newbie" questions in a language I'm learning?

179 votes

Educating people to flag spam and not vote to close

-4 votes

Is it appropriate to delete "what has been tried" in a question after receiving an answer?

20 votes

Is it acceptable to use the custom message on a bounty to promote a specific answer?

8 votes

How can recent answers catch up with popular old answers?

3 votes

How does a question make it to the Hot Meta Posts panel?

3 votes

How about a "View more hot meta posts" button?