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Reto Koradi's user avatar
Reto Koradi's user avatar
Reto Koradi's user avatar
Reto Koradi
  • Member for 10 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 7 years ago
107 votes

Yet another disgruntled new user

93 votes

How handle questions that are beyond OP's knowledge?

62 votes

April 2015 Community Moderator Election RESULTS

57 votes

Should I approve edits that make changes based on user comments?

57 votes

This edit was intended to address the author of the post and makes no sense as an edit?

38 votes

How to find my UserID in Stack Overflow

27 votes

The [dark] side do not join. Lied they did about their cookies

25 votes

Why was the spam flag on this post declined?

25 votes

Should this post not have been edited?

23 votes

Could we have a reduced close vote requirement on "why isn't this code working"?

23 votes

Downvoting stupid simple questions

23 votes

When I answer product-specific questions, I include links to better resources. A user wiped those links out, calling them "other site advertisements"

22 votes

The low-quality review audit system is broken

21 votes

Are we allowed to ask/remind the OP to accept answers?

20 votes

Unexplained down-votes on accepted helpful answer, should I keep helping?

19 votes

Is this library promotion spamming?

19 votes

Are specification implementation questions on topic?

18 votes

OP asked about problems after using X; the right answer is "use Y instead"; what should I do?

16 votes

Change text of "Looks OK" button in Low Quality queue

15 votes

How did I earn my Saint Lucia hat?

15 votes

User didn't like my edit and rolled back, should I edit again?

13 votes

Do non-English words increase the probability of receiving downvotes?

12 votes

Definition of a good question

12 votes

Why does the vote count on my profile's tags not update?

12 votes

Are answers that include Computer Science terms & concepts looked down upon here?

11 votes

If someone edits my post, can I rollback the edits if I don't like the edits?

11 votes

A section to view all questions in the same screen from your favorite tags

11 votes

How can year reputation be higher than total reputation?

8 votes

lost 100+ reputation, how do you trace that?

8 votes

Is this considered a valid question on Stack Overflow?