AstroCB's user avatar
AstroCB's user avatar
AstroCB's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a month ago
216 votes

Why is there a daily reputation limit of 200 points?

159 votes

Add ability to cancel flags

153 votes

Feedback requested: Runnable code snippets in questions and answers

137 votes

How can I thank this website?

106 votes

Can we make this meta site work for mentoring?

60 votes

Why do comment upvotes not give reputation?

58 votes

Stack Snippets Sandbox - Try It Out Here!

57 votes

Change [Ask Question] button style

55 votes

Why do people downvote elementary questions?

49 votes

How many votes should I cast in the primary phase?

47 votes

No Thanks, Damn It!

40 votes

How to notify or message a specific user

39 votes

2015 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection

38 votes

What does "Meta police" mean?

37 votes

How to format keyboard keys in posts?

36 votes

What is the purpose of Stack Overflow?

36 votes

May we have some "canned comments"?

32 votes

Are GrammarBots supported?

31 votes

Are there instances of people recovering from a question ban and going on to be high rep users?

30 votes

Tag burnination request: [c++primer]

29 votes

'Unregistered' is offset on the user page

29 votes

What causes you to abandon an edit?

28 votes

Return old colors for review buttons

27 votes

People turning regular code blocks in others' question into snippets

27 votes

Visited the site for 30 consecutive days? Not me

27 votes

Should I edit an answer if I have found steps that are unnecessary?

26 votes

What should I do with an open question that is no longer relevant to me?

26 votes

Help Improve The Help & Improvement Queue!

26 votes

If I only change the syntax highlighting in a post, is that proper editing?

25 votes

Replace "link" with "description" in mini-Markdown example

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