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Anonymous's user avatar
Anonymous's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
17 votes

Syntax Errors in Code Renderer?

3 votes

Was this not sufficiently explained enough to deserved a down vote?

11 votes

Downvoting - What is the purpose?

0 votes

How come a Question this poor is having 8 upvotes? Also, why is it still open?

11 votes

What is wrong with this title?

8 votes

Should I vote to reopen my edited question

20 votes

How are mentions involving different users with the same username managed?

14 votes

Why was this question put on hold as "too broad"?

26 votes

I just received approx. a bajillion rep because I'm "trusted on other sites"?

0 votes

Should edit approvals from trusted users be binding?

5 votes

Appropriate question?: Relevance of Josh Bloch's Effective Java

8 votes

Questions are duplicates of each other?

52 votes

Is it acceptable to edit an answer in ways that fundamentally change it?

11 votes

Not constructive flag on joke comment declined

16 votes

What should I do to improve my question?

0 votes

How can I communicate to answerers that I'm looking to understand the general strategy for solving a problem, not just a solution to my example?

7 votes

Why are Q votes based on the topic?

42 votes

Are upvotes on comments lost, if a question is removed?

2 votes

Output of question does not include all parts of it

1 vote

In what situations are spam flags declined *by moderators*?

0 votes

Tidying comments on my question, why were they all declined?

8 votes

Personal information in question

11 votes

Why aren't moderation tools given to people with a history of good moderation?

7 votes

Is this rollback worthy?

6 votes

Is there anything I can do if I get a downvote after my answer has been accepted by the OP?

6 votes

Suggest the right stack exchange community for certain tags

2 votes

Don't answer bad questions?

42 votes

How to deal with editor who leaves no proper summary?

15 votes

Question is on hold now. Yet my flag got declined

18 votes

Is A duplicate of B or is it the other way round?