CRABOLO's user avatar
CRABOLO's user avatar
CRABOLO's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than 8 years ago
8 votes

Is voting up a duplicate comment the same thing as marking it as a duplicate?

35 votes

Is it possible to revisit skipped reviews?

11 votes

What if someone else answer (almost same as mine) was posted later than mine and was Accepted!

5 votes

Review should allow for rereviewing an incorrect click

37 votes

How can I tell if my question is used to mark other questions as duplicates?

-20 votes

Naming the Documentation Feature

4 votes

How to deal with highly viewed questions with security flawed answers

10 votes

Should link-only answers be flagged as not-an-answer? Conflicting meta posts

5 votes

Is it ok to leave a comment when flagging a question

5 votes

If someone is abusive in another language (not in English), what to do?

6 votes

Allow to disable 'Last seen at' on user profile

11 votes

Asked to review edit on a really old question?

3 votes

My flag has been declined. Why?

4 votes

Why are the questions on Meta Stack Overflow so popular?

0 votes

How do I un-nominate a re-open vote?

25 votes

How is the "times a developer found your solutions here" figure calculated?

5 votes

Off-topic > Belongs on a different site

1 vote

Can we have a notification when a question was closed along a close vote?

13 votes

What is the correct vote-to-close option for this question?

1 vote

Stack Exchange currently offline - but only when running stack snippets

12 votes

Too many of your recent flags have been declined. Do we really think these question/answers are good?

2 votes

Should I be concerned about Featured Questions inflating votes?

5 votes

Get notification when 50 question limit passes?

2 votes

Why does the title on a page link to the page itself on Stack Exchange sites?

2 votes

Newer answer appearing as oldest when sorting by "oldest"

18 votes

Can comment votes sometimes be misleading?

14 votes

What about this reviewed rejection?

1 vote

Let's predict the date of the ten millionth question on Stack Overflow

27 votes

Edit with fake tag "<enough characters to edit>" approved

3 votes

Is there a difference between "Recommend" and "Find"?

2 3 4 5 6