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Kendra's user avatar
Kendra's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • United States
38 votes

Are we being "elitist"? Is there something wrong with that?

38 votes

2017 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection

37 votes

How much score could be earned from answers in one day?

37 votes

Why don't we give users below 250 rep notion about close votes?

36 votes

How can a user with 50 rep mess up an accepted answer?

36 votes

No idea why a suggested edit fixing formatting and typos was rejected as "defacement"

36 votes

"Don't do that" is not a constructive response

35 votes

How can we fix [stencil] vs [stencils]?

35 votes

How should I react to downvotes?

35 votes

Are there machine-generated edits on Stack Overflow?

34 votes

I found a necroposter, what then?

31 votes

What is #SOreadytohelp for?

30 votes

Review message says I reviewed 20, but history says I reviewed 40

30 votes

Please add a way to prohibit members from downvoting a legitimate question

29 votes

What is the impact of deleted answers on tag badge progression?

29 votes

Would it be relevant to ask on Meta whether or not a question belong to Stack Overflow before asking it?

28 votes

Make downvote button on meta disappear

28 votes

Concerns about recent Stack Exchange responses to users' suggestions

28 votes

Why hast thou forsaken me, Stack Overflow?

27 votes

Why is this question not a duplicate?

26 votes

Fall 2015 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection

24 votes

What is the purpose of the "Rev" field when editing a question?

24 votes

User keeps posting the same answer

24 votes

Please don't delete the "thank you" comment when the OP thanks the answerer

22 votes

Is pointing out OP's accept ratio in comments inappropriate?

22 votes

Can we undelete and reopen this question that was quickly downvoted, closed and deleted?

22 votes

Petition Purpose: Disclaimer in the certain Stack Overflow blog post

22 votes

Should we discourage leading +/-1 on comments?

22 votes

Should I radically edit a bad quality question, if I think I can put the question in an acceptable quality state and respect the OP's intent?

22 votes

How can I rephrase this question to make it comply with the SO format?

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