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BDL's user avatar
BDL's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Vienna, Austria
72 votes

Is it ok to have links on how to create sock puppets and gain rep fraudulently in user profiles?

68 votes

Beta release of Collectives™ on Stack Overflow

59 votes

Beta release of Collectives™ on Stack Overflow

55 votes

Edit to remove Answer from Question rejected

51 votes

Was I not welcoming enough?

46 votes

Should tags be created for functions of APIs?

42 votes

Why would someone reject this edit?

41 votes

Declined Not a answer flag

32 votes

Edit approved for basically an entirely new answer?

31 votes

Should administrators of Collectives be encouraged or required to have experience with Stack Overflow?

24 votes

How is this straightforward question about the need to recompile for different architectures problematic?

23 votes

Why was my rate-limiting question closed for being opinion based?

23 votes

When answering a question, is it ethical to ask for a Google sheets file even when such a request violates a user's privacy?

23 votes

Boolean logic questions are general computer questions?

21 votes

Serial rejection of my suggested edits

21 votes

Code block rendered incorrectly at question but correct in edit window

20 votes

I think someone copied the functionality from my code. Is that plagiarism and is that allowed on Stack Overflow?

19 votes

Why was my question closed for seeking recommendations?

19 votes

Help me improve my mainly "OpenGL in Python" questions

19 votes

Software Recommendation SE getting little attention from experienced SO users

19 votes

Why does an irrelevant YouTube link inside an question not require a moderator's intervention?

19 votes

What is the difference between "Needs details or clarity" and "Needs more focus"?

19 votes

My answer is right but I took a vote down by moderator

18 votes

How should we handle the (ongoing) mass editing on Meta?

18 votes

Why am I suspended from the review queues?

17 votes

Similar questions receive orders of magnitude different number of upvotes and downvotes

17 votes

How should I handle a suggested edit with "Comment: gerhdtcfjvygkbuhnj" as the edit summary?

16 votes

What should I do if I got a good comment to edit my answer?

16 votes

Should this question about GPUs comparison be closed?

16 votes

What can be done if an approved edit breaks the question?