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Thom A
  • Member for 11 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
27 votes

The question asking experiment in "Unconvering SO toxicity" by Alex Ziskind

26 votes

Should I not add the relevant tags to a question if I have written an answer to it?

25 votes

Awarding a bounty on closed question

24 votes

We will launch the 1-rep voting experiment on Stack Overflow for 4–6 weeks, along with account creation prompts

24 votes

How should answers citing ChatGPT be flagged?

22 votes

Was I right to reject this edit?

21 votes

Should moderators delete accounts shared by multiple individuals?

21 votes

How to not overly aggressively police against spammers

21 votes

How much promotional language is acceptable in tag excerpts?

19 votes

Should opinion-based questions be moved to Discussions instead of being closed?

19 votes

Disambiguate [kde] from [kernel-density]

19 votes

"Mostly code" is rejected but "mostly screenshots" goes through

19 votes

Staging Ground Workflow: Listings, Filters, Quality Control, and Notifications

19 votes

Community user posting comments?

18 votes

How should I deal with a user who repeatedly creates new accounts to ask poor questions?

18 votes

How can I handle questions which provide an MCVE or "what I tried" generated by ChatGPT?

18 votes

Are comments that merely correct terminology acceptable?

18 votes

Microsoft Azure Collective launch and proposed tag changes

17 votes

The italic fonts on team are hard to read in non capital letters

16 votes

Help Stack Overflow Generate Revenue

16 votes

Should a question manually list duplicates or related questions? If not, should I remove the list (in part)?

15 votes

Protection of new users from aggression

15 votes

Usage of main instead of master in Git. [Make Stack Overflow more inclusive]

15 votes

Undelete fixed answer

14 votes

Would someone leave a helpful comment on this migrated question that was rejected?

14 votes

Why was this question reopened when there were already many duplicates that solves OP's problem?

14 votes

Review audit failed (solution was inside the question, not in a separate answer)

13 votes

What category do I use to reject an edit that transcribes an image?

13 votes

What should we do when the OP's answer is deleted incorrectly for the reason 'does not provide an answer to the question'?

13 votes

Can someone post a question on staging-ground while question banned?