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Undo's user avatar
Undo's user avatar
Undo's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
28 votes

What happens when a question is edited while under review for Close Votes?

28 votes

Is this new flat theme mandatory or is there an option to change it back?

26 votes

How do I get back a bounty, when I found the solution by myself?

26 votes

Does Stack Exchange take donations?

26 votes

Can we trial a line in the close vote reasons other with a link to flag as spam?

25 votes

Proposal: Adding reason for putting on hold on a question

25 votes

You approved a clear non-answer

24 votes

How long should a mod wait before reviewing flags for the low quality queue to give enough time to allow the community review?

23 votes

How many users registered on this site?

23 votes

How can I watch [java*] tags without [javascript*]?

23 votes

Is TaggerBot a good idea?

22 votes

Mod not doing his job

21 votes

Should we change the "software recs" OT reason to point to the software recs SE?

19 votes

How to get my stackexchange participation by topic

18 votes

What's the policy on down voting previously correct but now outdated answers?

18 votes

Curious bot-questions recently

17 votes

I see two 'Stack Overflow' entries under 'Communities' in my profile. Help?

17 votes

My Work Fly Away This is not just FAIR?

16 votes

Why isn't there a rule that says "any criticism should begin with saying something positive"?

16 votes

What should we include in training for moderators?

15 votes

My points have been decreased without any notice?

14 votes

Add ability to "flag" tag wiki

14 votes

What are off-hours in SO terms?

14 votes

Does it make a difference if I flag for review bans on SO Meta or on ('main') Stack Overflow?

14 votes

Shouldn't there be a badge for visiting the site everyday for a year?

13 votes

Improve closed for recommendation text

13 votes

Most questions have already been asked, can't think of anything new to ask

13 votes

How is a reputation dropping from 4k to near zero and then a rising to 5k explained?

13 votes

Why can't this answer be flagged as not an answer while it should be a comment?

13 votes

Review page does not work as before