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  • Member for 12 years, 1 month
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I want automatized site grab to extend SEDE results, how far can I go?
@Cerbrus Technical possibility does not mean that it would be allowed. The question is about, what is allowed.
I want automatized site grab to extend SEDE results, how far can I go?
@Dharman As you can read in the question: by re-using the session cookie in my browser.
I want automatized site grab to extend SEDE results, how far can I go?
@Cerbrus Yes, but it probably does not apply in my case. The question is not about interactive, browser-based clicks and not about the SE API.
I want automatized site grab to extend SEDE results, how far can I go?
@Dharman 1) Technical possibility does not mean that it would be allowed. 2) The SE can stop me by suspending me.
I want automatized site grab to extend SEDE results, how far can I go?
@Cerbrus That is mostly about the interactive usage. At the end it mentions also the limits of the SE API. This question is not about the usage of the SE API, which requires various registrations and similar, it is about simple scrapping scripts by re-using the session cookie.
I want automatized site grab to extend SEDE results, how far can I go?
@HereticMonkey SE data dumps contain yet lesser data than the SEDE. The essence of this question is about the scrapping of data not available in the SEDE, but available as 10k+ privilege.
I want automatized site grab to extend SEDE results, how far can I go?
@Cerbrus I think, that is to motivate robo-clickers to think more. So it is for the the interactive usage. At the end, it also mentions the limits of the SE API. I wish to use the SE API only as a last resort, because as I read, it needs some registration and I dislike api keys and similars. But I will do it if the answer is that I can not grab.
Questions about LaTeX: when should I post in TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange vs Stack Overflow?
@Cerbrus Note also, the growth of the SO seems to be in a slow decrease since 2014. (Proof). Meanwhile, the size of the internet roughly doubled around it.
Questions about LaTeX: when should I post in TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange vs Stack Overflow?
@Cerbrus Not insignificant, because it is random sample. But you can create a much bigger sample, or create another random sample with a different random seed, this query is well parametrizable. Question migrations existed already at 2014, but probably much more earlier - I know this because I lobbied for them on the MSO already at the time. And I hit the same walls, than now. And yes, if the long-term well-being (and growth) of this so fruitful-looking site model is important for us, then yes, the growth should be our top concern.
Questions about LaTeX: when should I post in TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange vs Stack Overflow?
@Cerbrus As a comparison, currently the SE site network has about 160 sites (most of them far below 10000 questions and already many years old).
Questions about LaTeX: when should I post in TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange vs Stack Overflow?
@Cerbrus The total count of the deleted questions, as you can see here, is 9421581 now. That makes a reasonable estimate to the offtopic-closed, deleted questions to about 750000. These two add to about 900 000. At the time, as the company did not start to graduate sites so easily than today, the median question count at the site graduation was about 10000. The result is that the offtopic-closed questions could have created 90 (!!!) new SE sites, enough big to graduate even on the old, strict graduation rules.
Questions about LaTeX: when should I post in TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange vs Stack Overflow?
@Cerbrus Here is the count of the offtopic-closed, but not deleted questions of the site. Their count is now 149608. The count of the offtopic-closed, but deleted questions is harder to count, as the close reason is not available in the SEDE for deleted questions. But there is a way to circumvent it. Here is a random sample of the deleted questions. I found 8 offtopic-closed questions in this sample, what is 8%.
Questions about LaTeX: when should I post in TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange vs Stack Overflow?
@Cerbrus A real number can not be said easily - the close reason exists only in the PostHistory table, but it does not contain data about deleted posts. There are various ways to circumvent this problem, the simplest is using 10k+ with random sampling. Problem is that any random hugely decreases the strength of the arguments in a mainly hostile scenario. You can see here the stat of the offtopic closed, but not yet deleted questions. I doubt if it says anything. We need the close reason data of the deleted questions in the SEDE.
Questions about LaTeX: when should I post in TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange vs Stack Overflow?
@Cerbrus I have none, except what I learnt here in the past nearly decade. I wish to support it also with this SEDE query, showing the best, never migrated, but obviously offtopic posts. There is yet another problem, and this is your ongoing crusade against me. I understand that there is the covid and likely an economical crisis will follow it, but... I can not understand why you do not have any better to do than stalking me.
Questions about LaTeX: when should I post in TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange vs Stack Overflow?
@KonradRudolph Here are the well received, but offtopic closed questions. Check the query and decide yourself, what should have been done to them.
Questions about LaTeX: when should I post in TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange vs Stack Overflow?
@KonradRudolph :-) The reality is that "the community" has an allergy to the question migrations and they always know, why a post should not be migrated. However, fact is that moving a post to a correct site is always better then leaving it where it does not belong to. A possible reason is that at the Stack Exchange, 1 site = 1 (ms sql) database, and moving records between databases is problematic for them.
Questions about LaTeX: when should I post in TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange vs Stack Overflow?
@KonradRudolph That is right, there is a community migration path to the Tex SE. Mea culpa. However, it is still very hard to collect the 3 migration close votes, and all of them to the Tex SE.
Questions about LaTeX: when should I post in TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange vs Stack Overflow?
@KonradRudolph There is no way to migrate questions to the Tex SE by community votes. The company does not understand, why would it be useful, and most of the close voters does not know that the Tex SE exists. There is also an unsaid and unexplainable wish from the side of the company to minimize the from-SO post migrations. Mods can migrate, users can not. But if a mod migrates, he also takes part in the reponsibility (if the target site dislikes the content, it will be the mods fault), so they don't really like to do that.
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