My background is in computational astrophysics (mostly fluid dynamics, but taught general Comp-Phys over the years), but opted for a non-academic career. I currently work as a software developer for a bank in the US. As this takes up a good portion of my day (most of the the rest of it is taken up by the wife, kids & "adulting" tasks), I don't answer nearly as much as I'd like, though I do try visiting the site to vote & comment when possible.
I also almost never check the red response indicator (currently sitting at 442 unread messages), so I probably don't know you're talking to me.
I am most interested in computational-physics, so please ask, answer & vote on the tag!
Do not remove a fence until you know why it was put up in the first place.
× 12Mar 18
CriticJun 18, 2018
SupporterFeb 2, 2016
AutobiographerApr 23, 2014
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