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Jeremy's user avatar
Jeremy's user avatar
Jeremy's user avatar
  • Member for 15 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Canada
90 votes

Is there a way to get a short link to my Stack Overflow user profile?

110 votes

We’re removing “Hot Meta Posts” from Stack Overflow's sidebar for now; moderators now control the [featured] tag

7 votes

Don't show old title when a user removes it from the profile

13 votes

How should answers specify text that should be replaced?

5 votes

Synonymize [xhtml5] and [xhtml]

0 votes

Reassigning inside a Stack Snippet results in unexpected popup

17 votes

Is it possible to load scripts from GitHub into the code snippet editor?

36 votes

This YouTube video is purporting that the Stack Overflow survey endorsed their service

14 votes

Comments and questions with "invalid" Unicode characters fail badly

51 votes

How can a tag badge for 👾 be tracked?

16 votes

2019 Developer Survey results are live

44 votes

Double dash or hyphen in question title ( -- ) is replaced by single long dash ( — )

9 votes

Stack Overflow should stop leaking information to other websites about whether we are logged in

3 votes

"Ask question" Button has different padding

11 votes

Make [k8s] a synonym for [kubernetes]

17 votes

Is the Stack Overflow for Teams help center (knowledge base) supporting Markdown?

5 votes

Are remote jobs salaries fixed regardless of the location?

22 votes

Joined Stack Overflow. Twice!

6 votes

Tag rename and synonyms: gnucobol <- opencobol

2 votes

Why does voting in the election not ask me to sign up or log in?

40 votes

Incorrect questions in Pluralsight IQ test

10 votes

How can I view old chat messages I've written?

55 votes

Why were these "no longer needed" comment flags declined?

3 votes

New item in your Stack Exchange inbox wrong date

4 votes

Rendering issue on job cards with link to company

3 votes

Documentation information blurb has random END OF TEXT control characters in it

1 vote

JavaScript error on moderator dashboard

2 votes

Stack Snippets and document.write

32 votes

What are all the references in UNIKONG? (Spoilers?)

20 votes

Link to a deleted question in a book