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Travis J's user avatar
Travis J's user avatar
Travis J
  • Member for 12 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
  • California
5 votes

Problem was solved almost accidentally by a suggestion in an answer

5 votes

Reconsider implementing a "return to top" button for long pages

5 votes

How to format code easily?

5 votes

Feedback Requested: Code Editor and Stack Snippets

5 votes

Should questions using an existing tag that has a new SE site be flagged for migration?

5 votes

Answering with jQuery

5 votes

Preparing more than one question simultaneosly

5 votes

What should the predefined off-topic reasons be for Stack Overflow?

5 votes

Is it ok to use Stack Overflow content for my work?

5 votes

How do I stop answering questions

5 votes

Meta Stack Overflow vs Meta Stack Exchange

5 votes

Why do we punish harsh comments and not lazy questions?

5 votes

Force members to leave comments when they upvote

5 votes

Negatively scored low quality community wiki answer is the very first answer displayed

5 votes

Review audit fail: Is a short answer always a bad answer?

5 votes

Dissecting a specific instance of an unwelcoming complaint

5 votes

Can I privately share a draft question?

5 votes

Is it possible to have zero or negative reputation?

5 votes

Can we create URL fragment links to answers on the same page?

5 votes

Should I participate in answering questions?

5 votes

What is the best way to determine where to ask the question?

5 votes

How can I ask a good question on machine learning (ML)?

5 votes

Revisiting our logged-out homepage

5 votes

Why do we reward users for answering bad questions and would it be a good idea to incentivize those who downvote or flag them instead?

4 votes

Why is my flag on this comment as being unconstructive rejected when it basically a broken link only comment?

4 votes

Channels/Teams tags won't always correlate to SO tags - what do we do?

4 votes

What if I don't want to answer but still want to help?

4 votes

On Stack Overflow, aren't we supposed to downvote an incorrect answer?

4 votes

Question wasn't even published, but there is a 90 minute cooldown

4 votes

When are the answers that inline another programming language acceptable?

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