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Unanswered Questions

170 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
24 votes
0 answers

Resolve confusion between [gorm] and [go-gorm] tags

The tag gorm is often used in questions related to Go's GORM. The gorm excerpt correctly reminds that: GORM is Grails' object relational mapping (ORM) implementation. Don't use it for Golang GORM, ...
24 votes
0 answers

Disambiguate the [DRM]?

The drm seems to have multiple definitions in its information section: Digital Rights Management Direct Rendering Manager The second was edited into the tag info and approved here. There are 422 ...
24 votes
0 answers

Tag suggestion for h2o vs. h2o

The h2o tag is being used for the machine learning system ( Until today it had 172 tagged questions. The newest one, number 173, is obviously about a different H2O! https://h2o....
23 votes
0 answers

Disambiguate [jai] (Java Advanced Imaging API) from the Jai programming language

Proposal Rename jai to advanced-imaging-api or java-advanced-imaging-api Introduce jai-lang or jai Details I've been part of the Jai programming language closed beta for a while now and I thought ...
23 votes
0 answers

How do you tag a question about a programming language which has homonyms?

Sometimes a very popular programming language shares the same name of a more "obscure", specialized one. You would like to ask a question about the least popular one. E.g.: Swift is a mobile ...
23 votes
0 answers

Let's stash the [stash] tag

All questions that were tagged stash have been retagged to either git-stash, atlassian-stash, perl-stash, or expressionengine-stash. Please burn stash, as it is too ambiguous. The tag wiki for stash ...
22 votes
0 answers

On the road to the disambiguation of [post] (Vs [http-post] & Vs [posts])

There are several old posts asking to do things with [post], [http-post] and other related tags, like: Retag HTTP verbs Tag consolidation: post > http-post, and get > http-get One of the "...
21 votes
0 answers

Rename [bacon] tag to [kevin-bacon] and add [bacon] as a synonym for [bacon.js]

I just fixed 3 different questions tagged with bacon where the intention was to use bacon.js. As of now, bacon refers to "Related to Kevin Bacon and/or shortest path problems." bacon.js refers to the ...
20 votes
0 answers

Capture the [cdc]?

I've stumbled across cdc, with currently 496 questions. The tag wiki explicitly refers to multiple unrelated things: CDC may refer to the Communication Device Class (or USB CDC). Also may refer to ...
20 votes
0 answers

Track down the [tracker]

tracker has 130 188 questions and no wiki. It is used for questions about GPS tracking, web analytic, BitTorrent tracking, and more... Does it describe the contents of the questions to which it is ...
19 votes
0 answers

Unalias [aliasing]

Excuse the pun. The tag aliasing is currently officially about: Distortion caused in analog-to-digital conversion by a too low rate of data sampling. Not what I would have guessed! There are lots of ...
19 votes
0 answers

We need to keep [tabs] on this ambiguity

The tag wiki for tabs says A user interface pattern that allows for the display of multiple pages or elements with a navigation reference above, below, or to the side of the content. On ...
18 votes
0 answers

Remove synonym [yarn] -> [hadoop-yarn]

There are two major software products that use "yarn" in their names: Hadoop YARN (hadoop-yarn) - Hadoop is a distributed computing platform and YARN is a resource manager and scheduler for ...
18 votes
0 answers

This tag needs some re-[cnf]iguration

I stumbled upon the cnf tag today while looking for new tags to watch or questions to answer. It really was not what I was expecting which is why I'm here. The tag excerpt reads the following: Common ...
18 votes
0 answers

I was running down the road trying to loosen my [load], I've got seven tags on my mind

Actually, I only have three tags on my mind: load tag, which I would like split into two separate tags. On the face of it, the tag Wiki isn't too bad: A measure of the amount of work a computer is ...

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