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Unanswered Questions

172 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
4 votes
0 answers

The [printing] tag is full of irrelevant questions that were redirected from [print]. How can we fix it?

I have noticed that printing is full of questions that are about built-in functionality for displaying messages on the standard output. Mainly these are Python questions about the built-in print ...
43 votes
0 answers

I stepped on another [lego]. Let's clean these up

We have three tags here lego mindstorms nxt They're currently in a bizarre love-triangle thing where they're being mixed up all over the place. Lego Mindstorms NXT was a thing, but not anymore. ...
2 votes
0 answers

Should the [helix] tag be split, or removed?

The tag helix may refer to Helix Toolkit as a toolkit for use of DirectX and PresentationCore with WPF in C# Apache Helix, as a toolkit for networked cluster management the Helix geometry well ...
20 votes
0 answers

Capture the [cdc]?

I've stumbled across cdc, with currently 496 questions. The tag wiki explicitly refers to multiple unrelated things: CDC may refer to the Communication Device Class (or USB CDC). Also may refer to ...
12 votes
0 answers

Fix the [transporter] malfunction

I've recently stumbled across transporter, with currently 1 watcher and 36 questions. There's no tag wiki at all either. Addressing the points Shog9 makes: Does it describe the contents of the ...
9 votes
0 answers

Ad [astro]⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

The tag astro seems to be ambiguous in its usage at best. It is used: to refer to the Astro static site building framework as a synonym of the astrojs tag (which is also used for the former, but only ...
2 votes
0 answers

What is the [drawer] tag for?

The drawer tag currently has no description, and it's not entirely clear what it's supposed to refer to. I'd personally be inclined to get rid of it, unless its intended purpose (if there is one) can ...
27 votes
0 answers

Add ng-mocks as an independent tag

Currently, it's impossible to use ng-mocks as a tag. When you attempt to create it, you are informed it's too similar to ngmock in the following error: The tag [ng-mocks] is too similar to [ngmock]. ...
19 votes
0 answers

Unalias [aliasing]

Excuse the pun. The tag aliasing is currently officially about: Distortion caused in analog-to-digital conversion by a too low rate of data sampling. Not what I would have guessed! There are lots of ...
48 votes
0 answers

This tag [got] me confused

The tag got is being used for at least two purposes: Global Offset Table (the only meaning specified in the tag wiki) got, an HTTP library for Node.js Not counting the case of the word "got&...
26 votes
0 answers

Bring more [clarity] to these tags

At the time of posting, the usage of the clarity tag looks unclear because it can refer to three (or more) different products. Clarity can refer to three products: CA Clarity™ PPM is a Project and ...
24 votes
0 answers

Could we finally please remove [hyphen] as a synonym for [dash]?

This issue has been raised on a few occasions already with valuable discussions to follow: Should we try to disambiguate [dash]? Let's dash the [hyphen] tag Still, I would argue that more action ...
29 votes
0 answers

This tag is ambiguous; should we re[moveit]?

It looks like moveit is being used for at least two different things, so I'm bringing it up to Meta per How should ambiguous tags be dealt with?. This tag was initially used for ipswitch's (now ...
43 votes
0 answers

The [simplify] tag is simply bad

The simplify tag has 672 questions and 8 watchers. The tag info and wiki say: This tag refers to the process of making something simpler or smaller in order to increase its efficiency, usability, or ...
2 votes
0 answers

Move questions from [viper] and remove the tag

viper has a clear description of what replacement tag should be used in which case: Please consider using the tags [viper-architecture], [viper-go], [viper-mode], or [viper-lang] instead of catch-all ...

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