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Unanswered Questions

1,356 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
21 votes
0 answers

Is subscribing to a tag by email deprecated?

An old answer here shows the "subscribe" option shown on this image as the way in which to subscribe to email notifications for a tag: The email option is no longer present. Is there another way to ...
21 votes
0 answers

Moving the discussion to chat failed

On my answer to Google Apps Script to turn in, grade, and return a Google Classroom Assignment The link to move comments to a chat room fails. Please avoid extended discussions in comments. Would ...
21 votes
0 answers

Looking for some statistics about users who regularly bump into close votes limit

I would want to learn more about folks who regularly (say, 20-25% of total days visited last year) cast 47-50 close votes a day. (Number 47 above was picked because at one of related discussions some ...
21 votes
0 answers

Merge tags [mediarecorder] and [android-mediarecorder]

I propose to merge the mediarecorder (585 question) with the android-mediarecorder (517 questions) into the android-mediarecorder. The mediarecorder is only referring to android: Mediarecorder is ...
21 votes
0 answers

Should we update the election page text to include how to cast a vote?

As a first time voter it really wasn't clear to me how to cast a vote! It also wasn't clear how many votes I could, or should, cast. We have at least some members also confused by this, see this ...
21 votes
0 answers

I edited the tags but didn't lose my ability to hammer

Here are some excerpts from pages describing Mjölnir: It now lets you single-handedly close as duplicate unless you have participated in editing the tag (either by adding the tag yourself, or ...
21 votes
0 answers

Weird behavior in Firefox

Firefox 42.0 on Win7 Pro x64 Since I switched to the new navigation in SO I've been seeing slow responsiveness and spikes in CPU usage. The overall feel is of a very sluggish UI that sometimes ...
21 votes
0 answers

Synonymize [quaternion] and [quaternions]

The quaternion and quaternions tags are obvious synonyms, having 47 and 446 questions respectively. Many of the questions are duplicated between the two tags.
21 votes
0 answers

Rules for getting a tag synonym added seem too strict

The current rules seem very restrictive: Users with more than 2500 reputation and a total answer score of 5 or more on the tag, can suggest tag synonyms. Users with a total answer score (total ...
20 votes
0 answers

Merge [st] and [structured-text]

Can the tags st and structured-text be merged? They refer to exactly the same thing. The problem is that the st tag is commonly misused because it is either mistaken for ST Electronics, or applied to ...
20 votes
0 answers

What tech is "Flow" in the 2022 Developer Survey?

In the Which developer tools have you done extensive development work in... question, there is a piece of tech listed named "Flow", however, it's very unclear which "Flow" this is ...
20 votes
0 answers

Misspelled tag "finetunning"

The tag finetunning has 54 questions as of writing. The tag name is misspelled; it should be "fine-tuning". (Or deleted, I suppose.)
20 votes
0 answers

"Edit queue is full" alert not working while reviewing?

I was reviewing some first posts right now and I felt there was some edit needed. Just some indentations, grammatical corrections and replacing links with images. I might leave some corrections as ...
20 votes
0 answers

Dupe hammer: multiple tags, multiple gold badges

I dupe-hammered a question tagged with jquery and jquery-mobile which hasn't been edited; tags were added by the OP. I have both gold badges, however, I have more votes on jquery-mobile plus I ...
20 votes
0 answers

Different remaining flag background colors?

When trying to flag something, the remaining flags count does not always have the same background color. It is orange for posts and red for comments. I have the impression SO uses very specific ...

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