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Unanswered Questions

1,356 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
19 votes
0 answers

Collect all the [gems]

All the Ruby Gems are currently fairly evenly split over two tags: rubygems gem (with synonym gems) The synonym is already proposed here: (The other ...
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0 answers

Blacklisting is the key to [success]

We have already successfully burninated success. Burninate? Great [success] Do we want [success]? Because of the concept of An operation completing successfully A project or concept working ...
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0 answers

Let's synonymize [postfix-notation] and [reverse-polish-notation]

reverse-polish-notation has 28 question and the appropriate excerpt (no wiki): Reverse Polish Notation is a mathematical notation where each operator follows all of its operands. It is particularly ...
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0 answers

Remove synonym [yarn] -> [hadoop-yarn]

There are two major software products that use "yarn" in their names: Hadoop YARN (hadoop-yarn) - Hadoop is a distributed computing platform and YARN is a resource manager and scheduler for ...
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0 answers

Are there any stats, or way the community can obtain details on how Discussions are performing?

It's not a secret that, at least from users active on Meta, that Discussions as a feature has not been well received. Every time I visit the feature I feel like I end up flagging almost every post on ...
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0 answers

What should I do to pass an audit with off-topic questions if there are no standard flag options?

I found a question in the First Questions Review Queue that is off-topic for SO, and I tried to flag the question, but there was no flag option except in need of moderator intervention. So I chose it ...
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0 answers

Why did the developer survey not include all questions?

I just took the 2020 developer survey. As usual, there are many questions regarding my coding skills and my career status. I found it odd that the survey did not ask too many questions around my ...
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0 answers

Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2019 email feedback

Some users received an email to participate in the testing of the Developer Survey 2019. (The email explicitly states not to post questions or links, so please don't ask to disclose this information.) ...
18 votes
0 answers

Merge [espresso] and [android-espresso]

The two tags, espresso and android-espresso, are for the exact same subject and have the same tag wikis. One of them should be merged with the other. There are 261 questions about the Android ...
18 votes
0 answers

Can this review audit answer be undeleted?

I failed this review audit because the post was deleted as spam or offensive. The user account is deleted as well, so I don't dispute that something fishy was going on, but I don't see a problem with ...
18 votes
0 answers

Reputation lost

I lost about 500 reputation in the last 3 days. I am not sure why, I got no downvotes and none of my posts were deleted. Also my reputation log does not show any removed posts. I would guess that ...
18 votes
0 answers

How to search for an answer containing two specific words?

I was trying to search for an answer I gave some months ago. I recalled that it had the words bless and recursion, so I tried enter the following in the search box: user:2173773 is:answer bless ...
18 votes
0 answers

Tag merge request: [autobahn] and [autobahnws]

As discussed on this project page, autobahn and autobahnws are used as synonyms by people asking about the Autobahn project. I suggest autobahn should be canonical tag with autobahnws as synonym.
18 votes
0 answers

Cancel the typo in [touches-canceled]

I was adding content to the empty tag wikis for the various touch event handlers and noticed that touches-canceled has a typo and is formatted differently than its sibling tags: touchesbegan ...
18 votes
0 answers

Fixing the [onevent] and [event] tag catastrophe

Hello there fellow meta users. I have a little request. While browsing tags, I noticed there is quite a few that could be merged or even deleted as a whole... This happens to be with "event" tags. ...

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