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Unanswered Questions

218 votes
0 answers

Stop the [manipulation]!

manipulation currently has over 700 0 questions. Its excerpt: Manipulation is the act of algorithmically manipulating any pieces of data ambiguous and not helpful, in my opinion. ...
130 votes
0 answers

Include "Don't post images of code" in the guide

I was trying the wizard mode of asking a question, and when I came to the "Show some code"-section it said "Don’t paste an entire file", and "Don't paste just one line". My suggestion is to also add "...
126 votes
0 answers

Are multiple info-bar popups for unregistered users the intended behavior of the site?

I loaded up Stack Overflow for the first time on a new computer last week, and was surprised to see three dismissible info-bar popups on my screen. This is 424 rows of pixels (if I counted right), ...
109 votes
0 answers

Synonym wrecks badge progress

My profile page on Stack Overflow suggests I am close to being awarded a bronze badge in the tag make. However, there is no way I can achieve this goal, because the tag is (now) a synonym for ...
82 votes
0 answers

Improve the synonym feature to upvote a request based on the reputation score on both tags

This post follows an issue I had about two tags that need to be synonyms : Merge hybris into sap-commerce-cloud, based on product's new name To summarize : A user U1 answered a lot of questions ...
80 votes
0 answers

Burninate the [tape] tag?

I'm not sure we should have a tape tag: It has only 5 followers ✔ There is no tag wiki ✔ Highest voted question score is 3 ✔ There are only 32 tagged questions at the moment ✔ There is only 1 ...
78 votes
0 answers

Stack Overflow doesn't need [enhancement]

I was somewhat disappointed that this wasn't about herbal supplements. But then that would be about something, and this is about nothing. enhancement 66 questions, no excerpt, and no clue what is ...
75 votes
0 answers

Hot Meta Questions link color is too bright & doesn't meet accessibility standards

Links in the Featured on Meta/Hot Meta Posts sidebar are #0095ff, while other links on the page are #07c. Does anyone else think this looks weird? The sidebar links are the same color as the Ask ...
75 votes
0 answers

Migrated question has six close votes but is not closed Also, when I voted to close it the close dialogue errored but it still recorded my close ...
70 votes
0 answers

"Top Questions" is Pointless

I'll admit that when Stack Overflow changes their layout I usually don't like it at first. Sometimes the changes grow on me, other times they linger and fester at which point you either just have to ...
67 votes
0 answers

The [freecodecamp] fire?

I found the freecodecamp tag, which does not seem to have any usage guidance (in the wiki description) nor does it say anything regarding the tagged questions. For example, How can I complete these ...
63 votes
0 answers

Removing my own comments is not "voting"

I cannot remove more than one comment of my own every 5 seconds. I find this annoying. Sometimes I only opt to write a reply when I realize I have found multiple issues to comment on, then wrap them ...
61 votes
0 answers

It's my way or the [huawei]

In the grand tradition of [apple], [microsoft] and [htc] (all company tags) I give you huawei 164 questions that don't describe the question, just the company who made the hardware.
60 votes
0 answers

Polly does not want a [cracker]

Yeah, this tag isn't all it's cracked up to be: cracker 8 questions, no excerpt or wiki, and suborning questions about general security. In general, the tag is the correct form of what is more ...
57 votes
0 answers

Make [hapijs] a synonym of [hapi.js] tag

hapijs tag => 1254 questions / 546 watchers hapi.js tag => 51 questions / 23 watchers Both relate to the same Node.js framework: Proposal: Make hapijs a synonym of hapi.js. (I ...

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