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Unanswered Questions

143 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
6 votes
0 answers

Copy stack snippet from jsfiddle

If the original poster creates their snippet on jsfiddle, I'll usually tweak it there until I get it working. But when I want to post an answer, I usually prefer to use a Stack Snippet. So I have to ...
6 votes
0 answers

Stack Snippet comments not showing up correctly when part of code

I'm trying add a "stack snippet starter pack" for tag wikis for specific libraries so there's a ready-to-go template when adding a tag that a user (or answerer) could copy and paste into their ...
6 votes
0 answers

Add resources to code snippet

The amazing Stack Snippet is intended for javascript, css, html and related libraries/frameworks. I love it. But suppose you try to make an AJAX request, or an ng-include for instance. As the tool is ...
5 votes
0 answers

Show a warning when on Stack Snippets throwing errors

Tl;Dr: Make use of the Ask question warnings to reduce the misuse of Stack Snippets. Automatically run it in the background when the user click the "Review your questions button", if there ...
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0 answers

Full screen snippets has an incorrect z-index in post revisions

Example post with a snippet Click "Run code snippet" and then click the "Full page" link The top bar, side bar, and post ...
5 votes
0 answers

Why does the Stack snippets console error not show the correct line number?

When there is an error in a Stack snippet JavaScript code, an error message is displayed, but the "lineno" in the message is incorrect. In the following snippet, it Shows the error is on ...
5 votes
0 answers

Auto-save for Stack Overflow code-snippets (Stack Snippets)

I was editing a Stack Snippet and the page froze and I lost all my work (it was a lot). Could there be some kind of autosave when editing code snippets? (the ones with HTML, CSS, and JS that you can ...
5 votes
0 answers

Bug (?) with stack-snippets within three backticks

First off: I'm not sure if that's actually a bug. Just seemed really odd. I was reviewing some suggested edits and came across the following edit (which I rejected): Then I decided to view the ...
5 votes
0 answers

Can't post edit with NULL (U+0000) character in Stack Snippet

When a Stack Snippet contains a NULL (U+0000) character in its body, various errors start to arise: Automatic POST requests to /posts/validate-body return a 418 No Reason Phrase error. Trying to run ...
5 votes
0 answers

Code Snippet - want to copy content with Shortcut CTRL-C (for external use)

Copying the code from the code snipptes is really annoying to select the right part of code (especially with long code parts with scrollbars) so it would be very helpful to have a shortcut like the ...
5 votes
0 answers

Stack Snippets don't allow opening new tabs/windows

From this answer of mine. The code works well on jsfiddle, but doesn't work on the Stackoverflow's snippet. By "works" I mean I want it to open on a new tag, which is what the ...
5 votes
0 answers

Prompt new users to try Stack Snippets

I've been using SO for a fair while now and only just learned today about how to make Stack Snippets. My initial impression was that code entered into a message/post would automatically become a ...
5 votes
0 answers

Snippet with react-router-dom routing

I'm trying to run this snippet here on Stack Overflow. I'm using react-router-dom from a CDN. I'm able to match the first route, but somehow I can't change to a different route. Is it possible to ...
5 votes
0 answers

Missing referer header in Chrome when using code snippet

I created an answer for HERE maps autocomplete API on Stack Overflow and I'm having an issue with the HTTP_REFERER header not being sent when using Chrome browser (works fine w/ Edge and IE). This ...
5 votes
0 answers

Stack Overflow snippet "begin snippet" purpose

Stack snippets have three parameters: begin snippet hide babel hide hides the snippet so it doesn't take up too much space, babel probably does something complicated that I don't understand, but ...

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