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Unanswered Questions

198 votes
0 answers

Profile "Answers" section: Indicator if own answer has competing accepted answer

At the moment the Answers section on every user profile has two styles for the answer count: white background, grey font: Own answer is not accepted green background, olive font: Own answer is ...
128 votes
0 answers

If you do something on keyup, make sure you got the associated keydown first

Sometimes on a Windows machine, your focus and attention get stolen by a program presenting a dialog, or you hit the Windows key on your keyboard by accident, causing the Start menu to overlap what ...
126 votes
0 answers

Are multiple info-bar popups for unregistered users the intended behavior of the site?

I loaded up Stack Overflow for the first time on a new computer last week, and was surprised to see three dismissible info-bar popups on my screen. This is 424 rows of pixels (if I counted right), ...
99 votes
0 answers

How and why was my Stack Exchange profile changed without my knowledge or permission?

I just took a look at my Stack Exchange profile, and it had been modified to include my professional title and employer company name in the "title" field. I had not set this data and log in ...
97 votes
0 answers

UX research time! March 2019 and the user profile and settings

🙋🏻‍♀️Hello! My name is Donna and I’m a UX (User Experience) designer here at Stack Overflow. Recently, Jon Ericson suggested that we share UX research updates so that the folks here can get more ...
78 votes
0 answers

Add an option to hide or collapse less relevant snippet sections

Snippets are very useful, but often fill up a lot of the answer with irrelevant code. (E.g. in JavaScript questions, often the solution can be demonstrated by changing a tiny part of the JavaScript ...
76 votes
0 answers

Ugly formatting with accept/bounty warning next to question

When a question has been ignored by the user long enough, this warning shows up: IMO, this is pretty bad formatting. The questions should be aligned horizontally, and I believe that the warning ...
74 votes
0 answers

Possible spam accounts

While browsing through the new users page I noticed this (note the "Download Link:" text in almost all of them): Each of those profiles contains something like this, with links for : ...
61 votes
0 answers

Replace code snippets by normal code block if JavaScript tag is absent

Some users (probably mostly new users) tend to use the "code snippet" tool for code in languages that aren't supported by Stack Snippets. Would it not make sense to disable the code snippets ...
58 votes
0 answers

Profile page is very empty, revert to old version?

This is what my profile page looks like: Before today Today There is a lot of blank space on the right side where the links/stats used to be. Can we put it back there?
58 votes
0 answers

Increase the contrast for the "pressed" election buttons

I have reasonably good sight, but I'm still having problems recognizing which button is pressed in the election. I know there's a list on the right side, but it's not anchored and disappears when you ...
52 votes
0 answers

The new "You have x votes left for today" banner hangs around for 20 seconds

There's a new banner when running out of votes for the day: I thought it made a lot more sense right next to the vote buttons, but I know there's a whole lot of effort and reasoning that goes into ...
52 votes
0 answers

Modifying your profile's web presence to a Bitbucket link instead of a GitHub link

Currently you are able to show off your GitHub profile on your profile page. I however am not a huge fan of GitHub and use Bitbucket. Could we perhaps add support for other source control hosting ...
50 votes
0 answers

We should be more watchful of 0-activity spam users

Today I was running some data queries in the data explorer and ran across some interesting user profiles. In particular, I was looking to see whom of those who states their location said San Diego (...
49 votes
0 answers

Abusing the Code Snippet for wrong languages

I see this at least once a day, someone puts their Java or even C code in the Code Snippet thing that's meant exclusively for HTML / CSS / JS. What it means - someone has to manually remove the magic ...

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