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Unanswered Questions

1,040 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
42 votes
0 answers

Please bring back the bluish syntax colouring

I always thought that beige syntax colouring was a Meta thing because Meta was a greyed out version of SO. Now the beige keywords are used on SO as well, making it look... somehow wrong. Would it be ...
41 votes
0 answers

What if [whatif] were removed?

The whatif tag has 15 questions and no tag wiki. 6 questions are about the -WhatIf flag common to several (Windows?) PowerShell cmdlets 3 questions are about a What-If parameter in Power BI 6 other ...
40 votes
0 answers

"Comment reserved for system use. Please use an appropriate comment." when submitting an edit with an edit comment

When editing this question by replacing the supplied images of the formula with identical mathjax formulas I tried to supply a reason as shown in the image with "use mathjax instead of images&...
40 votes
0 answers

Allow us to choose a doctype for Stack Snippets

Sometimes a specific doctype is required to reproduce an issue. Currently it's not possible to specify a doctype for a Stack Snippet's html section. I've tried this: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//...
39 votes
0 answers

I'm [submitting] a burnination request

Today's dodgy tag is submitting, 42 questions and no followers, so it's under the 50 questions for a formal review, but I'd like an informal check at least before I do anything. Does it describe ...
39 votes
0 answers

Rename [timezoneoffset] to [timezone-offset]

To improve readability, I would like to propose renaming timezoneoffset to timezone-offset. This would keep naming consistency with the main timezone tag, while also making the tag easier to read at ...
39 votes
0 answers

Merge [d2] into [d]

Backstory: Before 2007, there was only one major version of the D programming language. Version 2, which appeared in 2007, was a major breaking change and took a while to stabilize, which meant that ...
39 votes
0 answers

Undo the [android-wear] -> [android] tag synonym again

I think this happened before and now it happened again. When I click my saved android-wear it takes me to android questions. Could we revert this once again? The rationale is that I am comfortable ...
38 votes
0 answers

Please Fix Stack Snippets

Please fix the many outstanding issues with Stack Snippets: Why won't this snippet with async await work here on Stack Overflow snippet editor? Fixed Oct 3 2024 Update the version of Babel Standalone ...
38 votes
0 answers

Azure ad is intercepting touch events and opening itself

It's nearly impossible to scroll past this Azure ad on my phone, because it apparently intercepts touch events and then opens itself as soon as my finger is lifted. My browser history tends to look ...
38 votes
0 answers

We need to relook at what our [priority] is

Two and a half years ago, we managed to burninate priority, Should we burninate the [priority] tag?. priority was the 5th tag, in the first set of 5 tags which were burned using the then new ...
38 votes
0 answers

No space between search options

Check out this search example. It looks like an absolute mess above the search bar: It would be much better if the options were separated with commas and spaces: not closed, views>=1000, answers 0
38 votes
0 answers

The [Xamarin-Forms] tag should be merged with [Xamarin.Forms]

This request has been made once already: Merge tags [xamarin.forms] and [xamarin-forms] , and everyone pretty much agreed that a change is necessary but that was almost a year ago and the two tags ...
38 votes
0 answers

Add information on Stack Snippets to Help Center

There isn't currently any page on the Stack Overflow help center that relates to Stack Snippets, and a search for that term in the help center does not return any valid results. I have twice used a ...
37 votes
0 answers

Close Snippet obstructed in Full Screen

Alter the z-index of fixed top bar when using Full Screen Snippets has been fixed. But click on the full screen preview and try to close the snippet? Hello! Click on the full page above right and ...

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