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Unanswered Questions

364 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
126 votes
0 answers

Are multiple info-bar popups for unregistered users the intended behavior of the site?

I loaded up Stack Overflow for the first time on a new computer last week, and was surprised to see three dismissible info-bar popups on my screen. This is 424 rows of pixels (if I counted right), ...
78 votes
0 answers

Add an option to hide or collapse less relevant snippet sections

Snippets are very useful, but often fill up a lot of the answer with irrelevant code. (E.g. in JavaScript questions, often the solution can be demonstrated by changing a tiny part of the JavaScript ...
70 votes
0 answers

"Top Questions" is Pointless

I'll admit that when Stack Overflow changes their layout I usually don't like it at first. Sometimes the changes grow on me, other times they linger and fester at which point you either just have to ...
63 votes
0 answers

Removing my own comments is not "voting"

I cannot remove more than one comment of my own every 5 seconds. I find this annoying. Sometimes I only opt to write a reply when I realize I have found multiple issues to comment on, then wrap them ...
61 votes
0 answers

Replace code snippets by normal code block if JavaScript tag is absent

Some users (probably mostly new users) tend to use the "code snippet" tool for code in languages that aren't supported by Stack Snippets. Would it not make sense to disable the code snippets ...
49 votes
0 answers

Abusing the Code Snippet for wrong languages

I see this at least once a day, someone puts their Java or even C code in the Code Snippet thing that's meant exclusively for HTML / CSS / JS. What it means - someone has to manually remove the magic ...
48 votes
0 answers

The "Ask a Question" wizard should suggest *citing* existing similar questions

In my opinion, one of the best things a question can include when it is similar, but not identical, to an existing questions is a citation of that question (so that reviewers can see that the asker is ...
48 votes
0 answers

Why doesn't a vote to the delete button show I already voted?

I noticed quite a few times that after I voted to delete a question (or an answer), the button for it shows as "X more votes are needed to delete this post" when simply hovering over it. If I click ...
46 votes
0 answers

Don't push my tab's history too far

Whenever I click on Stack-Snippets®'s in any post, a new entry is made in my tab's history (the one for the back and forward buttons, accessible through window.history in js). I like to keep my tab's ...
46 votes
0 answers

Should there be an automated message when cloud links are used in questions (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc)?

It's been said (here for example) that we shouldn't use personal cloud links like Dropbox, Google Drive, Spideroak, etc to share data files in questions because: They tend to break over time and They ...
44 votes
0 answers

How can I properly ask a question related to a less known SDK?

I have a question about my Stack Overflow post: "this" pointer in constructor is not consistent with the address of the member object being initialised? I've encountered a problem with the ...
43 votes
0 answers

Use HTTPS for snippets because some features are HTTPS only

Many features of the browsers are starting to require HTTPS which means they don't work on Stack Overflow snippets. Please consider using HTTPS for Stack Overflow snippets. I recently tried to answer ...
43 votes
0 answers

Create a magic link introducing stack snippets

I just happen to come across another fiddle request. One feedback this thread: Inform the users about the existence of stack snippet while requesting external demos in comments received was the ...
42 votes
0 answers

Revert to the old Upvote-Downvote buttons' design

Old: New: This doesn't look good and doesn't match Stack Overflow's UI standard and design style. Please revert to the old design. Edit: After the revert to the old buttons, the revert back to the ...
41 votes
0 answers

Make the space between the time value and the units a non-breaking one

In rare cases, a comment of a certain magical length will cause the time stamp to wrap onto the next line in a confusing way: (Image shamelessly stolen from Shadow Wizard, exploiting his hard ...

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