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Unanswered Questions

165 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
3 votes
0 answers

Getting the URL of embedded Stack Snippet

If someone embeds a Stack Snippet into Stack Overflow, is there a way I can get the Stack Snippet URL, so that I can share it and modify it etc? Currently what I do is copy the code, go to JSFiddle ...
3 votes
0 answers

Snippet auto-indent doesn't understand standard array formats

Put the following into the JavaScript part of a snippet var names = [ "bill", "janet", "timothy, ]; Below that press enter. The cursor will be indented two spaces but it shouldn't be. ...
3 votes
0 answers

Code snippet editor doesn't resize and center when developer tools are opened

I think the Javascript/HTML/CSS Snippets, aka the Runnable Code Snippets aka the Stack Snippets are a great addition, but there is one 'feature' in it which annoys me: It doesn't resize or move when ...
3 votes
0 answers

Stack Snippet "Copy Snippet To Answer" after you have already answered

I like the new Stack Snippets feature but have a possible suggestion for an improvement. Here is the scenario. I encounter a question that does not have a stack snippet but just manually marked up ...
3 votes
0 answers

Duplicate Stack Snippets from my own answer to my own answer

Periodically, in questions, we'll answer a question that was asked, giving the solution that was asked for, by the person posting the question, but which is (in our (not necessarily so) humble opinion)...
3 votes
1 answer

Snippet editor not working properly during text select/delete/copy/paste

I had to rewrite my snippet on a post multiple times using the snippet editor, because it looks a bit broken: The text I am selecting does not always correspond to the actual text, so after deleting ...
2 votes
0 answers

Latest Chrome breaks Stack Snippets (113.0.5672.126)

I've just upgraded my Google Chrome to version 113.0.5672.126 (Official Build) (arm64) on macOS 13.2.1. But afterwards, all Stack Snippets stopped working I've uninstalled all my extensions I've ...
2 votes
0 answers

Is this Moment.js plugin broken, or are Stack Snippets not working?

I was updating my self-answer to Filter out non-contiguous date using momentjs and twix.js and tried to make use of Stack Snippets, but it's not working. I'm trying to understand if the Moment.js ...
2 votes
0 answers

Code copied from Snippet editor results in only a hyphen when pasted to JS Fiddle and VS Code

A number of times recently, I have attempted to copy code from the Snippet editor in order to paste it into either JS Fiddle (which I prefer for code experimentation) or VS Code. In many situations – ...
2 votes
0 answers

Allow the snippet editor's areas for code and results to be resized by the user

I've answered a question on Stack Overflow. I wanted to move one of the borders between the HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and Result panes in the snippet editor, but I couldn't move it. In other words, I ...
2 votes
0 answers

Babel causes document.write to break CSS in Stack Snippets

I know that document.write is bad,¹ but this is terribly inconsistent and doesn't make much sense. document.write("babel: false"); *:after { content: "it works"; } document.write("...
2 votes
0 answers

Tooltip Hidden in Code section of Ask Question page

In chrome version:62.0.3202.62, zoom is 100%, Tooltip in code section of ask question page is hidden behind the content area. Here is the screenshot for your reference, how to fix this issue??
2 votes
0 answers

Code snippet save button should have a different label when updating

When working on a code snippet, a button labelled Save & insert into post is shown on the top-left side. I think this label is fine for creating a code snippet that hasn't been inserted into a ...
2 votes
0 answers

Whitespace in stack snippets removed

I was just answering a question asking about allowed whitespace in JavaScript code and included example code. This code snippet includes spaces, form-feeds (U+000C), line-tabulations (U+000B). ...
2 votes
0 answers

SO Stack snippet console displays <input></input> is this a bug?

Is there a reason why the Stack snippet console displays <input> elements within an array with an end tag? I noticed this behavior when posting this answer. Both Chrome and Firefox consoles on ...

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