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Unanswered Questions

2 votes
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Create a warning for UI questions without a corresponding framework tag

I monitor the c# and .net tags, and there is a thing that has become a pet peeve of mine: People asking UI-related questions without mentioning and/or tagging which UI framework they are using. For C#...
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0 answers

How should I ask questions containing a qt project?

I have currently the problem that I have a problem with a qt project. When I want to provide a minimal running sample of my project, it needs already just for being able to compile four different ...
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0 answers

How can users be hinted to mention software/language version when asking?

Those who are familiar with MATLAB's changes over time know that in the last few versions there is a growing transition to OOP to perform all sorts of computations and return their results. One of the ...
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0 answers

Possible bug in sorting question by votes

I was tried to sort answer by Votes and getting following error There should be question sorted by upvotes but i am getting error. what did i missed ?
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0 answers

Where to ask for a reasoning behind an approach?

I have a question about an approach used in one of open-source APIs. Namely, an old version significantly differs in approach to the new version, and I don't see any reasoning behind the change. Where ...
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0 answers

Is a request to check understanding on-topic?

This question involves the asker providing a summary of SQL database related concepts and requesting someone help check his understanding and correct any mistakes. I'm not sure if this is on-topic. ...
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0 answers

Is this question off-topic or am I missing something?

I am referring to this question. IMHO, this should be off-topic, and I voted so. My point: Question body says, "I'm after the most efficient way to do this." --> Too broad There is no effort ...
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0 answers

Only have my tags ON and OFF in the different feeds

I'm one of the newcomers here, and it's actually my first post on Meta. I don't fully grasp why my main feed of StackOverflow has some random questions (or at least what appears to be random) with ...
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0 answers

Unable to post a question

I tried to post a question. I formed the question and clicked on the Post your question button. It kept on loading for next couple of minutes, so I chose to discard and post a fresh one as the ...
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0 answers

What would be the most help way to accept an answer in this instance?

I require some advice on the most helpful way to answer or accept an answer on my own question. For the question How do I obtain an iterative object reference to the root object in PHP? there is only ...
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0 answers

Does the Tour Example Question belong on SO?

I've noticed when I looked at the Tour for StackOverflow the current question didn't really seems like it belonged to Stack Overflow. While I agree that the question is indeed on-topic because it ...
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0 answers

Asking a misleading question again with rephrased text?

I just asked a question about Click-Once application. Unfortunately it seems that I did not explain clear enough that I am not the developer of that application and that the question is from the point ...
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0 answers

Display a warning when posting a question with long titles

Lately I've come across questions from (mostly) new users which use unnecessarily long titles for their questions, such as this question: (Yes, that question is off-topic, but my argument still ...
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0 answers

Difference in URL between question itself and its edit page

The URL of a question is like this: The edit page of that page is like this: Why is ...
2 votes
0 answers

I thought we blocked the words "need help" from titles?

I just ran into this creature : what bugs me is that I was pretty sure Meta had decided to block the phrase "need help" from posts. Doesn't this just make you cringe though ? reading sounds terrible ...

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