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Unanswered Questions

330 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
86 votes
1 answer

More vote-to-close autocomments

If I vote to close a question as a duplicate, an auto comment is placed on the question along the lines of Possible duplicate of {question link} This is a great feature! It immediately gives the ...
65 votes
1 answer

Bookmarks for the close -> duplicate interface

Most of the times, when I close a question as duplicate, I open a new tab to make a quick google search to get the question ID, to then close the question. I almost never find the duplicate, which I ...
48 votes
0 answers

The "Ask a Question" wizard should suggest *citing* existing similar questions

In my opinion, one of the best things a question can include when it is similar, but not identical, to an existing questions is a citation of that question (so that reviewers can see that the asker is ...
46 votes
0 answers

Should there be an automated message when cloud links are used in questions (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc)?

It's been said (here for example) that we shouldn't use personal cloud links like Dropbox, Google Drive, Spideroak, etc to share data files in questions because: They tend to break over time and They ...
44 votes
0 answers

How can I properly ask a question related to a less known SDK?

I have a question about my Stack Overflow post: "this" pointer in constructor is not consistent with the address of the member object being initialised? I've encountered a problem with the ...
39 votes
0 answers

Questions and Articles are occasionally duplicated into two identical posts created in the same instant

I've noticed a number of incidences where a user posts the same question twice. However, these posts are created within the same second so this isn't a situation where a user keeps posting the same ...
38 votes
0 answers

Audit questions also teach, so why aren't they manually cultivated?

I understand there is a legitimate purpose to making sure a user is paying attention when going through the review queues. However, in my opinion, a pre-requisite to doing this is to have some level ...
38 votes
0 answers

See entire preview while editing a question

Most editing doesn't take a tremendous amount of time especially when it's in a tag you are familiar with. New users typically don't use backticks properly or will leave logcat and other error ...
37 votes
1 answer

Make it more obvious how to exit the Ask Question Wizard

When asking a new question I noticed that there was a link (no explanation) beneath the heading 'Ask a new question'. It read 'Use guided mode'. So I clicked on it. It opens a new page where you are ...
34 votes
0 answers

Placeholder text for tags is cut off on Meta Stack Overflow

As you can see the placeholder text is cut off. This is only happening on Meta Stack Overflow.
31 votes
0 answers

What is being done to improve new question quality?

TL;DR What exactly has been tried in the past to address new question quality, what is currently being done, and how are the current tactics being assessed? Intro This post is to highlight my ...
30 votes
0 answers

Good question etiquette for generalising questions regarding a protocol, not a framework or language

TLDR A protocol can be used by many languages and frameworks - their usage is fundamentally generalised to some extent. If the key part of the question is not regarding the development of the protocol ...
29 votes
0 answers

Is there an issue with the Stack Overflow question list today?

I found a strange issue on Stack Overflow. In the last 1 hour, four questions are repeated within a few minutes of time. Question links are First question (3 mins difference) asked by amir ...
29 votes
0 answers

I see dead questions

So, this is probably something with the caching but tag pages recently started showing me deleted questions. For example: Which in particular links to this question:
28 votes
0 answers

For certain extremely common duplicates, it should be possible to put prominent warnings up front

I just closed yet another question about an extremely common error message as a duplicate of its canonical: Truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all(). ...

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