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Unanswered Questions

398 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
155 votes
1 answer

Collapsible Code Markup

Background When answering questions on SO I generally like to ensure that my code is runnable by including sample data, so someone can copy, paste, and run it, seeing exactly what I'd proposed. ...
86 votes
1 answer

More vote-to-close autocomments

If I vote to close a question as a duplicate, an auto comment is placed on the question along the lines of Possible duplicate of {question link} This is a great feature! It immediately gives the ...
82 votes
0 answers

Can the editor have a dialog for adding code?

Regarding screenshots of code, Shog9 said this back in February: Honestly, @Tanner, this is probably one of those situations where if we want to do better than a text warning we have to dig into ...
74 votes
1 answer

Can we add a button "Format with Prettier" to the toolbar when editing posts?

Prettier supports formatting Markdown text and a bunch of languages. Can we add it as a button or format on save? All the posts will have a unified look and feel, without the extra spaces, wrong ...
68 votes
0 answers

Discourage (and possibly auto-replace) code spans spanning multiple lines with code block

I'm making this a feature-request to implement a solution to the problem described in this question: Why are inline code spans across multiple lines allowed? From time to time, I see some code ...
65 votes
1 answer

Bookmarks for the close -> duplicate interface

Most of the times, when I close a question as duplicate, I open a new tab to make a quick google search to get the question ID, to then close the question. I almost never find the duplicate, which I ...
54 votes
0 answers

Code formatting article in help center is confusing

Prompted by Does inline code span require HTML escaping?, I took a look at /help/formatting. While it's mostly accurate, there is a fair amount of ambiguous terminology and subtle inaccuracies. I've ...
50 votes
0 answers

Pressing the quote button destroys text in code fences

Let's say I want to quote this shell code in a post: foo=bar echo $foo First I put it in code fences so it shows up as code: ```sh foo=bar echo $foo ``` Then to quote it, I select it and either ...
49 votes
0 answers

How can I add foldable code or text when answering someone’s question on Stack Overflow?

How do I add foldable code or text on Stack Overflow when writing a question or an answer? <details> <summary>Click to expand!</summary> ```HTML <h1>Hide this until someone ...
48 votes
0 answers

The "Ask a Question" wizard should suggest *citing* existing similar questions

In my opinion, one of the best things a question can include when it is similar, but not identical, to an existing questions is a citation of that question (so that reviewers can see that the asker is ...
46 votes
0 answers

Should there be an automated message when cloud links are used in questions (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc)?

It's been said (here for example) that we shouldn't use personal cloud links like Dropbox, Google Drive, Spideroak, etc to share data files in questions because: They tend to break over time and They ...
44 votes
0 answers

How can I properly ask a question related to a less known SDK?

I have a question about my Stack Overflow post: "this" pointer in constructor is not consistent with the address of the member object being initialised? I've encountered a problem with the ...
39 votes
0 answers

Questions and Articles are occasionally duplicated into two identical posts created in the same instant

I've noticed a number of incidences where a user posts the same question twice. However, these posts are created within the same second so this isn't a situation where a user keeps posting the same ...
38 votes
0 answers

Posting properly formatted code is poorly explained and harder than it needs to be

Every day I leave comments on the site asking users to fix their code formatting, or notes that I have already done so. True, a lot of it comes down to apathy (or lack of consideration) on the part of ...
38 votes
0 answers

Audit questions also teach, so why aren't they manually cultivated?

I understand there is a legitimate purpose to making sure a user is paying attention when going through the review queues. However, in my opinion, a pre-requisite to doing this is to have some level ...

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