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Unanswered Questions

293 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
2 votes
0 answers

Rejected edit which contains related link

What is the rationale behind the decision to reject an edit which adds a link that is related to the question and the (edited) answer ? A few minutes ago I edited an answer with a link to a github ...
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0 answers

Another user merged their answer with mine

A user merged their answer with mine, and to be honest they kind of re-iterated exactly what I said. What should be done in this situation? Is this acceptable? One of the approaches I figured would ...
2 votes
1 answer

Edits happening while another Suggested Edit is in the queue

On this Suggested Edit review page, it looks like the editor improved certain sections, yet degraded another section and added seemingly superfluous text: "This my piece of code" "......
1 vote
0 answers

The edit tag feature fails to handle multiple requests at UI

Reproducing steps to this problem doesn't seem to be easy as per my understanding, but the screens shall help to confirm the behavior. This is what happened when I had faced the issue - I had tried ...
1 vote
0 answers

Why can't I suggest this edit?

I just saw a post which is/was missing a new-line, causing code to be displayed as part of the first paragraph: When I press login button the window is not responding. Can anyone help me with this? ...
1 vote
0 answers

Failed audit after attempting to edit a question

I recently failed an audit in the Late Answers queue. I attempted to edit the answer and was directed to a screen that read "This post cannot be edited because it has been deleted." When I clicked ...
1 vote
0 answers

Pending edit bug

I removed an image posted as link, to post it as image. I sent the edit without any problem and when the page loaded again, it has my edit under the name of another user and my edit was on edit ...
1 vote
0 answers

Unable to edit a misspelled author name

I tried to fix "Martin Flowers" to "Martin Fowler", and was unable to do it due to an "Edit should be at least 6 characters long" error message. AngularJS: Understanding design pattern What can be ...
1 vote
0 answers

Content from question missing in edit view

This slightly older question Which one is faster in java? 1. Math.max(a,b); 2. (a>b)?a:b looks like: It starts with a "Hi". However when wanting to edit it (not only for the Hi but also other small ...
1 vote
0 answers

Is this edit correct?

I just closed a question as it was no where linked to a programming question. However I just opened the question again to track the update and found that the question tag(from function tag to motion ...
1 vote
0 answers

Delete and reanswer or edit after Question changed?

There is a question on SO. Before the questoin was edited, it had a totaly diffrent meaning, which I answered with a not so good but correct answer. After the mentioned Edit, my answer was no more a ...
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0 answers

Should edits to questions by the OP require approval once there is at least one upvoted answer?

As a protection against chameleon questions, would it help to require approval for edits to questions by the OP, once their question has already been answered and at least one answer has up-votes? It ...
1 vote
0 answers

Edit plains my answer

I created the answer below using bold for things I wanted to emphasize. Then NobodyNada edited my answer and made it plain and removed my personal style of the answer. ("Hope that helps :)") Why the ...
1 vote
0 answers

Understanding post edits on SO

I was just editing a question, and when I tried to submit I got a usual message another edit is going to be reviewed and mine will be placed in the queue. Does this mean when I tried to submit ...
1 vote
0 answers

How should OP handle so-so / unhelpful edit that was reviewed / accepted?

This happens occasionally, where an edit is seemingly casually approved but does not improve anything about the question. In this case the suggestion was to add the stdin tag. Comment: "please ...

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