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Unanswered Questions

284 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
6 votes
0 answers

Existing answer detected as improperly formatted code while trying to edit

I'm trying to edit the regex community-wiki reference post, but any change I make gives me the error: Your post appears to contain code that is not properly formatted as code. Please indent all code ...
5 votes
0 answers

What happened to this question when I edited it?

This question had a critical Markdown issue, where the post had an image and a code block, and the image link was accidentally included in the code block, causing the image not to render. I opened the ...
14 votes
0 answers

On deleted questions it is not clear if you're meant to edit or ask a new question

To be clear, I am not asking about what to do when I see "This question already has answers here", I'm saying that the message you get when editing a closed deleted question seems to ...
10 votes
0 answers

Color splash transition (inline-diff) as a highlight after retrieving edits

I know that clicking on the Edited N minutes ago button after an edit to a post works perfectly like this: I want to suggest a feature that would help a lot once implemented. The Feature After ...
4 votes
0 answers

(How) should one defend against the "dual XY problem" properly when posting a question?

Background From my experience, both when asking my own questions and when finding past questions and answers, a major bane of SO is the infamous so-called "XY problem" - and not technically ...
8 votes
0 answers

Edit shows expected code with a different format than what it really is

I'm using Google Chrome on Android 10 - Samsung Galaxy A30s. When looking at this question We can see the first code block has a specific indentation. Then, when clicking to edit The expected result ...
12 votes
0 answers

If you are review banned, you can't accept an edit on your own post

I am banned from review and I answered a question. Then the one who asked the question added a suggestion on the answer and asked me to update the answer or accept that. When I hit edit I couldn't ...
10 votes
0 answers

When going to edit a question, let us know at the START if edit queue is (close to) full

I'll sometimes try to edit the question of a new user with a very poorly worded question. Depending on the question this can take a non-insignificant amount of time. It is very frustrating to finish ...
9 votes
0 answers

Do rollbacks push posts out of reopen queue?

We have all edited questions that are closed, when trying to improve grammar, etc. This pushes the post into the Reopen Review queue and most of the time that is just extra work. My question is if you ...
5 votes
0 answers

Should I edit an already good answer or make my answer in order to change the language?

I sometimes make a new answer by using an already good answer and recode it in another language or a more recent version of Java: Should I edit the accepted answer instead to keep the credit of the ...
-3 votes
1 answer

How can I contact a user or respond to an edit rejection?

Is it possible to respond to rejected edits? I fixed a bug with a C# answer: One rejection advised me to reach out to the author of the ...
3 votes
0 answers

Trying to edit a post when not logged in gives pending edit warning

When not logged in any attempt to navigate to a Meta Stack Overflow edit page will result in a pending suggested edit error: There is a pending suggested edit in the queue. Try again in a few minutes....
2 votes
0 answers

Tag edits no longer have quick wiki access

Recently behaviour has changed when editing tags on & after clicking 'edit' for the whole post or 'Edit tags' for just the tags. There is ...
1 vote
0 answers

The edit tag feature fails to handle multiple requests at UI

Reproducing steps to this problem doesn't seem to be easy as per my understanding, but the screens shall help to confirm the behavior. This is what happened when I had faced the issue - I had tried ...
6 votes
0 answers

Better error messaging when rejecting unedited titles

This is not a duplicate of Can't edit question - title already exists because that is not the error I am getting, nor is that the issue. This is not a duplicate of How to force SO to accept a bad ...

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