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Unanswered Questions

816 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
155 votes
1 answer

Collapsible Code Markup

Background When answering questions on SO I generally like to ensure that my code is runnable by including sample data, so someone can copy, paste, and run it, seeing exactly what I'd proposed. ...
138 votes
0 answers

Better support for sample data and perhaps table schemas in SQL questions

I've been around SO since almost the beginning, and in that time I've answered a LOT of SQL related questions. One point of pain in this area has always been posting sample data or query results. We'...
94 votes
0 answers

Please improve the criteria for the "Welcome back" message

The message to a user to remember to vote on questions and answers is a good thing, for those users that do not know to do so. It is very annoying to many users, as evidenced by Disable "don'...
91 votes
0 answers

Reverse the timeline in election history

I would appreciate if the newest election results were at the top on the community moderator election page. That list will only become longer and needs more scrolling to see the results of the recent ...
91 votes
0 answers

Ridiculously popular questions break sidebar on SO

In the related sidebar list, this question is so popular the vote counter is too wide: Can we run these vote counts through the magnitude machine?
85 votes
0 answers

Can the "edited" information always be kept to the left of the post owner's information?

tl;dr: Could the "edited" information be kept to the left of the post owner information (instead of reflowing to be above it) until it's too narrow to fit? If not, could the 32x32 px div for the ...
83 votes
0 answers

The Hot Meta Posts vote counter is too narrow

Following the redesign of the Hot Meta Posts pane, the padding around the vote count is (still) too small, resulting in the vote count closing in on the question title when the vote count exceeds 100: ...
82 votes
0 answers

Can the editor have a dialog for adding code?

Regarding screenshots of code, Shog9 said this back in February: Honestly, @Tanner, this is probably one of those situations where if we want to do better than a text warning we have to dig into ...
76 votes
0 answers

Ugly formatting with accept/bounty warning next to question

When a question has been ignored by the user long enough, this warning shows up: IMO, this is pretty bad formatting. The questions should be aligned horizontally, and I believe that the warning ...
75 votes
0 answers

Hot Meta Questions link color is too bright & doesn't meet accessibility standards

Links in the Featured on Meta/Hot Meta Posts sidebar are #0095ff, while other links on the page are #07c. Does anyone else think this looks weird? The sidebar links are the same color as the Ask ...
74 votes
1 answer

Can we add a button "Format with Prettier" to the toolbar when editing posts?

Prettier supports formatting Markdown text and a bunch of languages. Can we add it as a button or format on save? All the posts will have a unified look and feel, without the extra spaces, wrong ...
70 votes
0 answers

"Top Questions" is Pointless

I'll admit that when Stack Overflow changes their layout I usually don't like it at first. Sometimes the changes grow on me, other times they linger and fester at which point you either just have to ...
69 votes
0 answers

In memory of the Yellow CSS Box

Oh yellow box of error How I miss your background hue Parsing your words of terror From the many to the few Now replaced by a simple line That's vertical and grey A designer thought it fine But to me ...
69 votes
0 answers

Please add support for the <samp> tag

From MDN, <samp> The HTML <samp> element is an element intended to identify sample output from a computer program. It is usually displayed in the browser's default monotype font (...
68 votes
0 answers

Discourage (and possibly auto-replace) code spans spanning multiple lines with code block

I'm making this a feature-request to implement a solution to the problem described in this question: Why are inline code spans across multiple lines allowed? From time to time, I see some code ...

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