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Unanswered Questions

621 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
2 votes
0 answers

Alignment issue on the Stack Overflow talent page

There is an alignment issue on the Stack Overflow Talent page, call out form in the Google Chrome browser. The bottom of the div is not aligned properly in the Chrome alone. In Internet Explorer ...
2 votes
0 answers

Stack Snippet won't work with Firebase

There was an answer for a question about Firebase here: initially the code was on codepen:
2 votes
0 answers

Run Code Snippet: No scrollbars in preview

When you run a code snippet, there is no scrollbar anymore. I do not know if there problem has to do with the console output that is being displayed (and hides part of the snippet itself). I ...
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0 answers

The button in between two checkboxes

This has always bothered me on the SE sites. There's two checkboxes and in between there is a button. Something about this design really bothers me. It's cluttered seems like there are too many ...
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0 answers

Make sign up buttons consistent

This bug is reproduceable on this link : This: From achievements. And this: From inbox are not consistent. I suggest to keep them consistent.
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0 answers

console.log doesn't escape % character correctly

With console.log it's possible to give a prinf-style format string followed by values to substitute into the output. For example: console.log("The number is %d", 25); Normally, the % can ...
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0 answers

Camouflaged embedded links fail to be noticeable

In How can I ask the NLTK to have synonyms be connected to nearby terms, rather than an island?, I responded to what another user brought up in a previous comment. I wrote the comment, and even ...
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0 answers

Keep links vimium compatible on signup form

I have found another instance of non-vimiunable link on the signup form: I want to be able to select google, facebook or email and password signup.
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0 answers

Align the up-vote and flag buttons on comments with wildly different displayed scores

The comment up-vote and flag buttons aren't aligned properly: The left edges of the texts are aligned, though. Can we fix that?
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0 answers

Underline links inside code blocks

Sometimes I use links inside code blocks, e.g. interface HTMLCollection { readonly attribute unsigned long length; getter Element? item(unsigned long index); getter Element? namedItem(DOMString ...
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0 answers

Linked / Related question titles in the sidebar are misaligned

Since recently the vote counts boxes next to question titles in the sidebar have become wider and have a new background color. Since then, the titles of these questions are not well-aligned with the ...
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0 answers

Why does the question verifier false flag beautified Stack Snippets code as not being code?

The last time I answered a question using Stack Snippets, I ended up having to edit the answer in such a way I'd have to realign most of it by a tab. This was the first time I noticed Stack Snippets ...
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0 answers

Performance issues with animations (background highlighting)

I have performance issues in following cases: When I follow the link to a particular answer, it focuses on the answer within the page, but also shows an animated fading orange background. It ...
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0 answers

Apply pointer-events: none to mini reputation graph label

Currently, when hovering over the rep graph on the Activity tab, the label obstructs the mouse pointer, preventing me from hovering over sections off to the right without moving the mouse out of the ...
2 votes
0 answers

Message displaying below the popup

I am not sure about this bug. While i was reviewing closed votes, some error messages ware displayed below the pop-up as shown in the image . Later i checked when it appears. unfortunately it will ...

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