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Unanswered Questions

45 votes
0 answers

Add margin-top to headings and reduce their margin-bottom

TL;DR: Headings currently have a CSS margin-bottom value, but not a margin-top value resulting in a distance to the following paragraph. I propose to add a margin-top and reduce the margin-bottom of ...
43 votes
0 answers

Wrong page title in unanswered list questions page

There seems to be a problem of title management on SO: In fact, the title displayed when visiting the Unanswered page on SO is "Highest Votes Questions", instead of "Unanswered Questions". The ...
43 votes
0 answers

Use HTTPS for snippets because some features are HTTPS only

Many features of the browsers are starting to require HTTPS which means they don't work on Stack Overflow snippets. Please consider using HTTPS for Stack Overflow snippets. I recently tried to answer ...
43 votes
0 answers

Create a magic link introducing stack snippets

I just happen to come across another fiddle request. One feedback this thread: Inform the users about the existence of stack snippet while requesting external demos in comments received was the ...
42 votes
0 answers

Revert to the old Upvote-Downvote buttons' design

Old: New: This doesn't look good and doesn't match Stack Overflow's UI standard and design style. Please revert to the old design. Edit: After the revert to the old buttons, the revert back to the ...
42 votes
0 answers

Bad CSS on quoted code on Meta

As seen in How to include code inside a quotation? A very quick investigation (literally, right-click, Inspect Element :D) found the cause. For some reason, the minifier has interpreted tabs to be ...
41 votes
0 answers

Make the space between the time value and the units a non-breaking one

In rare cases, a comment of a certain magical length will cause the time stamp to wrap onto the next line in a confusing way: (Image shamelessly stolen from Shadow Wizard, exploiting his hard ...
40 votes
0 answers

Allow us to choose a doctype for Stack Snippets

Sometimes a specific doctype is required to reproduce an issue. Currently it's not possible to specify a doctype for a Stack Snippet's html section. I've tried this: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//...
39 votes
0 answers

Facebook avatars are displayed in HiDPI/Retina, but other avatars are not

Users that log in through Facebook get to have the avatars in their signature blocks displayed in HiDPI/Retina: they have 200x200 pixels of image data displayed in 32x32 logical/CSS pixels (6.25x). A ...
39 votes
0 answers

"Answer deleted" message floats above "question should be closed" dialog

I wanted to close a question, but at that moment a answer got removed. This caused the "answer was deleted" box to be shown above the "close dialog". This is a bug, because the "close dialog" should ...
38 votes
0 answers

Please Fix Stack Snippets

Please fix the many outstanding issues with Stack Snippets: Why won't this snippet with async await work here on Stack Overflow snippet editor? Fixed Oct 3 2024 Update the version of Babel Standalone ...
38 votes
0 answers

Close the tracking privilege popup with the Esc key or a click outside

On one's Profile page, clicking on this gear button opens up a pop up, which doesn't close when the "Esc" key is pressed or when one clicks outside the popup. To close this list, you have to click on ...
38 votes
0 answers

Add information on Stack Snippets to Help Center

There isn't currently any page on the Stack Overflow help center that relates to Stack Snippets, and a search for that term in the help center does not return any valid results. I have twice used a ...
37 votes
0 answers

Hiding the left navigation is making the question page grid too small

I don't like changes so I decided to hide the new shiny left navigation and to keep the good old design with 2 columns instead of 3. After hiding the left navigation I noticed that the main Q&A ...
37 votes
0 answers

Close Snippet obstructed in Full Screen

Alter the z-index of fixed top bar when using Full Screen Snippets has been fixed. But click on the full screen preview and try to close the snippet? Hello! Click on the full page above right and ...

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