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Unanswered Questions

453 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
39 votes
0 answers

A [rad] burnination proposal

As the rad tag wiki says: "Please don't use this tag, it is ambiguous." Related: Clarify [rad] tag. I don't think it should be clarified but burninated, however, since the tag doesn't really ...
17 votes
1 answer

Do we really need [imaging]? It is not programming!

I just ran into a tag imaging that shouldn't exist in my opinion. The tag wiki says: Anything related to digital imaging, i.e. the theory, the technology and the techniques about acquiring, ...
33 votes
1 answer

Should we burninate [class-names]?

The tag class-names has 79 questions in it, has no wiki or wiki excerpt, and is used for questions where the questions refer to different things. Running through the burnination criteria: Does it ...
67 votes
0 answers

Cut out that infernal racket! Turn the [volume] down to 0

For tag volume: Does it describe the contents of the questions to which it is applied? and is it unambiguous? It is very ambiguous. In addition to the audio meaning and the geometric meaning cited in ...
113 votes
0 answers

Burninate [wikimedia] or donate $2. Please don't scroll past this. ​

The wikimedia tag (~150 questions) seems to be in dire need of burninating. Wikimedia is the organization behind Wikipedia and a couple of other wiki sites. While some questions about mediawiki, the ...
19 votes
0 answers

Can we differentiate [integrate] and [integration]?

For integrate, we already have usage guidance that says to avoid it and use other tags. This includes integration for system integration and other more relevant tags if the calculus meaning was ...
18 votes
0 answers

Who is this [publisher]?

publisher have questions with very different definitions of "publisher": Swift Publisher: How to implement a Publisher extension, It drops elements until the asynchronous task associated ...
3 votes
0 answers

Should the tag [java-aot] be retired in favor of [jaotc] and [dex2oat]?

There are 11 questions tagged jaotc with the guidance: Jaotc is the Java Ahead-of-Time Compiler. It allows to generate native code from Java Byte Code. There are 15 questions tagged dex2oat with the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Not a useful [default] tag?

I just stumbled upon the default tag, and it feels really iffy to me. You can't be an expert in default, it's not a useful thing to filter on, and it's super general. I'm thinking it should be ...
11 votes
1 answer

Time to [server] up a burnination

I've come across the tag server a few times (I think each time, due to someone tagging sql and server instead of sql-server), however, upon looking at the tag, I don't really see how it's on-topic on ...
84 votes
0 answers

Should we stop the [creation] of new questions with this tag?

I propose the burnination of the creation tag. While it means creating something, that isn’t really specific enough to be useful as a tag. Note that we do need to follow the official burnination ...
32 votes
0 answers

There's been a [mismatch] in expected tag usage

I came across the tag mismatch today, which seems to not really be in line with normal tagging guidelines. Its usage guidance already implies it's ambiguous, which is normally a great early indicator ...
27 votes
0 answers

Should [sender] be burninated?

The tag sender has 328 questions and many of them seem to not follow the tag guidance. The tag is: ambiguous as sender could mean anything even in the context of events not strictly programming ...
12 votes
0 answers

A discontented view of [contentview]

The tag contentview has 38 questions and no description. Does it describe the contents of the questions to which it is applied? and is it unambiguous? It is ambiguous as it refers to a UI element used ...
20 votes
0 answers

Should [modifier] be burninated?

The modifier tag on Stack Overflow has 414 questions at the time of posting, but the topics it seems to cover vary wildly. There are questions about regex modifiers, Android Jetpack Compose, Swift, ...

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