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Unanswered Questions

2,103 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
45 votes
0 answers

Remove the [cancel] button on the edit form when submitting

Weird race conditions are happening when pressing the cancel link while an edit is submitted. I just happened to post an answer, then found a typo and went back to edit it. after fixing the typo in ...
44 votes
0 answers

Related questions list is missing text

The related questions list on this question seems to be broken. At least one other user can reproduce the issue. Looking at the HTML code it seems that the text is just not there: <div class="...
43 votes
0 answers

Instructions for reporting copyright infringement have (accidentally) been removed from the site

The official DMCA Designated Agent has changed from the one linked in the text below (which was terminated on 2020-07-05). If the status of the contact linked in this note is no longer "Active&...
43 votes
0 answers

Wrong page title in unanswered list questions page

There seems to be a problem of title management on SO: In fact, the title displayed when visiting the Unanswered page on SO is "Highest Votes Questions", instead of "Unanswered Questions". The ...
43 votes
0 answers

False (old?) information in Close-Privilege description

Today I've been awarded with the "Cast close and reopen votes" Privilege (3000 Reputation). So I read through the description of said privilege and saw the following bulletpoints, formally ...
43 votes
0 answers

High memory usage by Stack Overflow web pages due to googlesyndication

Each Stack Overflow webpage consumes like 300-350 MB of memory which is pretty high. For the sake of proof, checkout this screenshot when typing about:memory in firefox. It seems that it comes from ...
43 votes
0 answers

The API is returning incorrect values for `has_more`

I'm sometimes getting a random bug when retrieving questions from the Stack Overflow API. It happens under conditions like this: I request the page 7 from the API (with 100 records per page). The API ...
43 votes
0 answers

What happened to the Hot Meta Posts?

I just notice that the side bar that has the Featured on Meta and the Hot Meta Posts now only has Featured on Meta section. What happened to the Hot Meta Posts? EDIT: The Hot Meta Post is back but ...
42 votes
0 answers

ChatGPT banner is polluting search results

The text of the banner is the first thing shown in some of Google's search result previews. It's easy to make this show up by explicitly including chatgpt in your search query - e.g. searching for ...
42 votes
0 answers

It's not possible to use SO's search to find questions containing a non-ASCII string, like the mojibake "’"

Earlier today I answered this question about a mojibake issue where a single UTF-8 character was incorrectly being decoded into the Unicode string "’". Before I answered it, I thought there might be ...
42 votes
0 answers

Is the entire network's performance affected by this year's Winter Bash?

Is it just me, or has the entire network bogged down since the introduction of this year's Winter Bash? I noticed that the questions thread, comments, answers etc. take quite a bit more time to load ...
42 votes
0 answers

Bad CSS on quoted code on Meta

As seen in How to include code inside a quotation? A very quick investigation (literally, right-click, Inspect Element :D) found the cause. For some reason, the minifier has interpreted tabs to be ...
41 votes
0 answers

Top tag reputation height is too small

On the REPUTATION block, the reputation indicator height of "Top tag" is too small, compared to the tag itself: The reason is that the .-rep-increase class is on the wrong element, when I moved it to ...
41 votes
0 answers

Moving discussion to chat fails with vague error message

I was having a rather lengthy discussion with another user in the comments on one of my questions, it was getting very off-topic and I was actually glad that the automatic link came up to invite the ...
40 votes
0 answers

"Comment reserved for system use. Please use an appropriate comment." when submitting an edit with an edit comment

When editing this question by replacing the supplied images of the formula with identical mathjax formulas I tried to supply a reason as shown in the image with "use mathjax instead of images&...

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