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Unanswered Questions

2,103 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
1 vote
0 answers

Content from question missing in edit view

This slightly older question Which one is faster in java? 1. Math.max(a,b); 2. (a>b)?a:b looks like: It starts with a "Hi". However when wanting to edit it (not only for the Hi but also other small ...
1 vote
0 answers

Profile comment activity - visited/unvisited link colours mixed up?

I was looking at a my comment history and noticed the following: I feel like the :visited colour is used when the link hasn't been visited yet. All around the network links usually become greyed ...
1 vote
0 answers

Why can't I find the tag [sql-server-2014]?

In the tag search page, if you write SQL the tag sql-server-2014 doesn't show up. But if you search for 2014, it appears.
1 vote
0 answers

Pressing CTRL+SHIFT+J takes me back to "previous" question

Just noticed this today: Pressing CTRL+SHIFT+J in order to open the browser console takes me back to previous question (and opens the console, too). To reproduce the error: Go to ...
1 vote
0 answers

New activity page broken?

Yesterday the page looked OK but today this is what I get: As you can see the Impact pane no longer fits along the 1st two panes and in the Reputation pane things are in a mess, too.. I should say ...
1 vote
0 answers

Why do avatar pictures change when I update my email address as an OAuth2 user?

My avatar seems to change when I update my email address if logged in using an OAuth2 provider. Wondering why that is? Also wondering what sort of business rules govern this decision that allow your ...
1 vote
0 answers

Ask Question seems broken using Safari on Mac

I'm using Safari on Mac. It seems that since the recent SO update a lot in Ask Question seems broken. Examples: There are no formatting buttons shown. There is no preview shown. There is no tag ...
1 vote
0 answers

Reputation order on reputation history page

On the 9th at 21:09 a question that I answered was removed and my rep went down 25 points. Earlier in the day (14:56) I gained 25 rep from an answer I posted. Since I got the upvote/accepted answer at ...
0 votes
0 answers

Weird auto-posted comment while using dupe hammer

After using dupe hammer on this post, I noticed a weird auto-generated comment popping up, attributed to me: This question is similar to: srand() — why call it only once?. If you believe it’s ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Certain special characters after < breaks link text

When I was trying to link an answer in an answer I was posting which included <?= and I included <?= in the link display text, it would not render correctly. Raw Formatting [Is it bad practice ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Why does Stack Overflow closed off-topic no longer list suggested SE site that is on-topic?

For the better part of the past 5-years, when a question on Stack Overflow was closed as off-topic due to a question pertaining to general computing hardware or software, the first (most chosen) ...
-4 votes
1 answer

Too long question title breaks the page

Recently I came across this question: void$OnQueryTextListener). I found that it the actual breaks ...
-6 votes
1 answer

Bounty system overriding moderator rights

Whenever someone posts a bounty on a question, it immediately overrides all possibilities for users to moderate that post. Users can no longer cast close votes - they can no longer even see already ...
-7 votes
1 answer

The "I'm Done" button in first posts review turns clickable even if we haven't reviewed!

Recently I have come across a first posts review case wherein if a user accidentally applies a close vote to a post and then retracts it, the I'm done button turns clickable. Is this expected? Because ...
-7 votes
1 answer

ReCAPTCHA not working

I was trying to post a question on Stack Overflow, but the ReCAPTCHA was not working. I don't know why. It has been doing this for about a day now. The reason I can post on Meta is because that does ...

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