A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.
for questions related to the R Language Collective on Stack Overflow. (For questions about Collectives on Stack Overflow in general, use the main [collectives] tag.)
The reputation tab is a tab on some one's user profile that shows the reputation grains for a day or question xor answer
for questions about the "Obsolete" class of comment flags, or specific "Obsolete" flags that have been declined.
For questions about Stack Overflow Careers Select
StackEgg is the 2015 April fool's joke from StackExchange
Questions about perceived elitism on Stack Overflow.
Questions related to the popup which contains up to six tags that match what you are typing, when creating/editing a question or creating a custom view.
For questions about the festivities in Fall 2018 to celebrate Stack Overflow's 10th birthday on September 27, 2018.
[dead-tags] is for discussing tags describing services or APIs that have been sunsetted or dropped, and shouldn't be used. Does not pertain to tags that have been burninated or blacklisted.
For questions about the Stack Overflow Constitution and amendments thereto. (Details: https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/352642/what-is-the-stack-overflow-constitution)
Questions about the Related Tags section of tag searches.
for questions and discussion about the Introduction section of Documentation topics. Not for questions about the Documentation Tour.
Questions about favoring or perjuring different categories of people and unneeded differentiation between them, usually based on grounds other than technical or sanctioned by Stack Exchange (ie. when …
Apply to questions about flags generated automatically by the system.
The practice of blocking users from certain countries from accessing websites' content, for reasons related to copyright, politics, sanctions and/or censorship.
For questions related to the SE internal testing site.
For posts that are, or are about, system testing areas.
For community moderator elections a questionnaire is created with questions to all candidates to help users decide on their vote
appears when one hovers over a tag.
s.tk is a url shortener for Stack Exchange, which provides access to several predetermined sites.
For questions regarding temporary maintenance performed to the site in which the site is visible, but is locked temporarily and cannot be modified.
A reputation audit is a readout of all of your sources of reputation change, from day one. It is accessed by going to "/reputation" for the site.
PageDown is the markdown editor and preview engine use on Stack Overflow and the other Stack Exchange sites.
Questions that do not correspond to a "real" problem the actual poster had, but are meant to be a way of indicating how to diagnose and resolve recurring issues.
A special moderator-only tag to mark important meta discussions. A question with this tag can be seen on the main site, in a special sidebar, in the questions list, and when viewing individual questio…