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45 votes

Is SO running another experiment by hiding the user information or is it a bug?

If it's an experiment, let this serve as feedback: Please put back reputation and badge counts!
kjhughes's user avatar
  • 110k
31 votes

Is SO running another experiment by hiding the user information or is it a bug?

This was a bug which has been resolved. See Dean's answer on MSE for more details. No need for user scripts, this was an unintentional slip-up. We were fixing some Google crawler errors for ...
Taryn's user avatar
  • 246k
13 votes

What do the numbers next to user avatars mean?

In order, from left to right: Current site reputation a user has (may be abbreviated with k or m to reduce the number of digits on screen) Total number of gold badges a user has, which also may be ...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 106k
9 votes

What's the difference between red and blue user cards?

The main site and meta have two different designs. On the main site, the blue design is shown: and on meta the red design is shown:
Picachieu's user avatar
  • 3,742
8 votes

Is SO running another experiment by hiding the user information or is it a bug?

I think that there is a larger problem here when a bug is presumed by the community to be an intentional change to manipulate us. I hope the staff recognizes how this indicates a serious lack of trust ...
ColleenV's user avatar
  • 193
7 votes

Where did the info about the expandable usercards go?

The privilege information was removed because expandable user cards are now universally available to everyone, regardless of reputation: I am happy to announce that hover cards are now working for ...
Cody Gray's user avatar
  • 243k
6 votes

(Optionally) show national flag in usercards?

I think having this information in a user card would cause more problems than it's worth. Stack Overflow is focused on getting good answers to questions. Having more obvious national boundaries can ...
ryanyuyu's user avatar
  • 6,456
5 votes

Tool tip is not working while hover the profile name

That's working as intended. The hover is only shown when you hover over the profile image.
Cerbrus's user avatar
  • 72.4k
4 votes

(Optionally) show national flag in usercards?

First, if you hover over a user's avatar you see a popup user card, which contains their location in text. So this information is already available and, if not first class, really close to first ...
Adam Davis's user avatar
  • 93.2k
3 votes

Expanded Usercards are not Showing Drop-shadow

This intentional, but not ideal at the moment. I plan on having a preview card on every user. In my opinion, it's weird UX having it on some users and not all, regardless of a drop shadow or a bio. I'...
Aaron Shekey's user avatar
1 vote

Uploaded avatar image only appears on hover

You are using Gravatar for your image. Gravatar is having a lot of issues with their CDN the past few months, and regularly drop the ball when generating different sizes of your image. In your case ...
Martijn Pieters's user avatar
1 vote

Profile text isn't formatted properly in profile preview

The user card only displays up to a certain number of characters as a summary of your profile text. Then below that, it pulls any links that didn't appear in the summary and displays those side by ...
animuson's user avatar
  • 54.6k

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