74 votes

Did Stack Overflow update their Cookie or Privacy policy or Terms of Service?

We did not update the policy or ToS. Periodically we need to re-verify consent for e-privacy and GDPR and when this was setup, we guessed a year as the time needed to re-verify. It's been a year ...
Taryn's user avatar
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68 votes

Are questions about downloading or converting YouTube videos allowed?

I can't speak for the site as a whole, but I can comment on how I handle flags on questions like this. We regularly are flagged about questions that ask about scraping content from other sites, ...
Brad Larson's user avatar
  • 170k
40 votes

Why was the new controversial TOS change not highlighted on the per site metas?

There was a "Featured on Meta" post for several days telling people that there were changes to the TOS. Such posts are, as I understand it, seen across all sites in a yellow box to the right of ...
Nicol Bolas's user avatar
14 votes

Why was a question asked by a 11-years old person not deleted? (my flag was tagged helpful)

The CMs work on a rotation to handle issues like underage users. We're expected to get to them within a day or so for the most part. The flag was handled (as Nick indicated) as a note from the mods ...
Catija's user avatar
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12 votes

Requirement for visitors to "read and understand" 10,700-word TOS/policies seems unreasonable

You've always had to read the ToS...this wasn't new even before the GDPR took effect. Online agreements like this are always tough to prove out. Saying that you've actually read this document is ...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 105k
10 votes

Why was the new controversial TOS change not highlighted on the per site metas?

There were several network-wide Meta.SE posts. The original highlighted the change, but there was a massive backlash against the arbitration clauses. A new (2018) update to our Terms of Service is ...
Machavity's user avatar
  • 31.2k
6 votes

Phrasing of Age Eligibility section of the Terms of Service

Not a lawyer, but old enough to know a thing or two about this. Ultimately this law is intended to prevent the intentional capturing of data from users who are not of age in their respective country (...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 105k
6 votes

Why was a question asked by a 11-years old person not deleted? (my flag was tagged helpful)

Your flag was a notification to the moderators to do something, and per the under age user policy: If you find a user claiming to be under 16 escalate it to us through the "Contact Community ...
Nick is tired's user avatar
5 votes

Questions about GPL’d code

Relax the rules about posting GPL’d code. Allow it in questions when it seems clear it’ll qualify as fair use. This is probably safe, a) as most questions and answers probably fall under fair use*, b) ...
ArtOfCode's user avatar
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5 votes

Does the HiQ vs. LinkedIn ruling influence SO's policy of prohibiting web scrapers?

I am not a lawyer (nor do I speak for Stack Overflow; I'm just a user). Here's the court's final paragraph on the public interest followed by the conclusion (the ruling) for the case you are referring ...
TylerH's user avatar
  • 21.1k
4 votes

Sign-up process shouldn't reveal that an email account is already in use

I think you're glossing over a very important detail: In order for SSO to work and for your account to be bound to an SSO service, you have to authenticate to that service. If your friends decided ...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 105k
1 vote

Why was a question asked by a 11-years old person not deleted? (my flag was tagged helpful)

IANAL, but let's see what COPPA has to say about accounts belonging to users under 13 years of age: In the FAQ, under section A-3: What is Personal Information? A screen or user name that functions ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
  • 71.8k

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