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18 votes

Why does searching for more wildcard tags result in fewer search results?

Ah! A search for either [amazon-*] or [aws-*] each result in 20 tags. I've just noticed that the list of tags (shown above) does not have an OR between the amazon and aws tags, so it must be doing ...
John Rotenstein's user avatar
11 votes

Requesting a "quick search" be added to watched tags

As there is no similar feature, I've decided to build it directly into my Advanced Search Helper, Saved Search (Bookmarks), and Navigation Improvements userscript. Features: Search main/meta ...
Samuel Liew's user avatar
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8 votes

Requesting a "quick search" be added to watched tags

Seems like your request has been fulfilled. You can now use the "filter" button and then select the "My watched tags" radio button. After clicking "Apply filter" or hitting ENTER you will get the ...
Nick Parsons's user avatar
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7 votes

"or" keyword doesn't work in search

We've removed the affected server from rotation and a build will be going out shortly to address it. We've been testing a branch of our .NET Core port to find issues exactly like this so thanks for ...
Dean Ward's user avatar
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6 votes

Share link to tags in LinkedIn messages

This is not a bug, at least not on SO’s part. The + sign just means "whitespace" on a URL. If LinkedIn fails to interpret it correctly, please report it to Microsoft, and I'm sure they'll ...
yivi's user avatar
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6 votes

Is there a way to filter for just a specific set of tags and nothing else (exclude any other tag from appearing)?

You only achieve that by means of SEDE. This query (that was forked from my answer here) does that: -- will hold our selected tags create table #selectedtags( id int primary key ...
rene's user avatar
  • 42.3k
5 votes

Stack Overflow Search giving incorrect results!

You have selected the 'featured' tab in your first search (you had probably selected this on a previous search, and the setting has persisted). Currently, there's only one featured azure question, so ...
Aurora0001's user avatar
  • 13.5k
5 votes

Pagination links when searching questions by tags don't honor your current tags

A repro here when opted in for Custom Question Lists: Using Firefox 63.0.1 on Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.4 Filter, all ;Sort Newest. Clicking Next ...
Luuklag's user avatar
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4 votes

Duplicate information on tag search page when user's id is used

Sorry for the delay on this; this should be fixed next build - thanks
Marc Gravell's user avatar
3 votes

Tags behaving oddly this New Year's Day

Not an answer, but I wanted to log the questions that I got from a recent spurt so that maybe a cause could be identified. All of these were reported at 19:44:38 UTC from
gregsdennis's user avatar
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3 votes

Generic or Specific Tagging?

If you use a version-specific tag, always add the general tag, too. So, if you are going to tag something c#-4.0, then it should also be tagged c#. Similarly, if you are going to tag it mariadb-10.4, ...
Cody Gray's user avatar
  • 244k
2 votes

Searching by tags using the `or` operator requires a space char wrapping the `or`?

Yes it is normal at all. It is also needed: Compare Score with Sc or e. The last one would be the result for Score if we would change the behavior. but only it's not intuitive. Operants should ...
Christian Gollhardt's user avatar
2 votes

Un-Intelligent Ranking of Job Search Results

Aurélien addresses some of your points in this post. In short; we're working on merging matches sort with the relevance we get from Elastic. It's not exactly what you asked for but there are better ...
Dean Ward's user avatar
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2 votes

Why can I only access certain language specfic tags via "Tags" page?

Testing tags for the described behaviour with the help of this SEDE query suggests it only happens for the top 120 tags according to the number of questions. Note that the SEDE results are slightly ...
duplode's user avatar
  • 34.3k
2 votes

Search for tags by their popularity

As a similar alternative to the answer; I wanted to see how how many views questions tagged with a particular tag are generating over time: ;with cte as ( select FORMAT(convert(date, P....
Zach Smith's user avatar
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2 votes

Multi tag search of questions

You can also type on the search bar like this: [tag] and [anotherTag] or [tag] or [anotherTag]
Gustavo Vollbrecht's user avatar
2 votes

First few words of the [stack-overflow] tag wiki are cut off in /tags search results. Makes it seem like you're supposed to use it wrong

The tag page gets really tiring when every tag excerpt starts with some bit of fluff ("this tag is for..."). So it tries to strip those out & get to the meat of the excerpt: what the tag is ...
Shog9's user avatar
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2 votes

How can I view only questions that have a SET of tags?

In the search field, wrap tags with [tag1] [tag2], like [python] [django] Will result in this URL with the appending tags where you get the idea how it works
Johan's user avatar
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2 votes

Duplicate information on tag search page when user's id is used

This is reproducible for me with any SO search including a tag and something else: But I can't reproduce it on SO meta or elsewhere:
hat's user avatar
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2 votes

Search only shows 6 results, but no pagination

This appears to be by design, but that design will be going away. I guess status-planned is the appropriate label. You're getting 6 results because that's the number of questions that met your ...
Brian Nickel's user avatar
  • 27.5k
1 vote

Pagination links when searching questions by tags don't honor your current tags

(Merging contents from my other question here) Here is what is going on: This also applies to other tabs such as newest, active and unanswered. Issue is present in the "Custom Question Lists" ...
Salman Arshad's user avatar
1 vote

Can we search on Stack Overflow based on or condition over tags?

Yes combine the tags with or, php or javascript in search.
Abhishek Gurjar's user avatar

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