Should the reputation that is required for making a rollback to improve dealing with vandalism be changed?
Ouch, I made a mistake, sorry. I usually check the reputation level of flaggers in situations like the one you described, however this time I just... didn't.
As a matter of fact, you haven't much ...
- 42.3k
Should the reputation that is required for making a rollback to improve dealing with vandalism be changed?
Your flag shouldn't have been declined. If you come across (self)vandalism and are below 2K you should always flag because you can't solve this on your own.
Moderators have powers but not super-powers....
Should the reputation that is required for making a rollback to improve dealing with vandalism be changed?
perhaps we should have the rollback function be given an independent reputation requirement, not binding it to the unreviewed edit privilege.
I don't personally see a significant enough reason (at ...
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