Are we playing favorites with high-rep users self-answering off-topic questions?
Yes, we were blinded by what is effectively a long and interesting blog post by Yakk, but which is quite off-topic as an SO answer, and let the question slide without closing it. This served as a poor ...
Are we playing favorites with high-rep users self-answering off-topic questions?
From what I've seen, it's a general community consensus that self-answered questions on a broad topic are allowed but regular questions on a broad topic are not.
I think that this is because:
There ...
Are we playing favorites with high-rep users self-answering off-topic questions?
Let's look at this from a practical perspective. The most fundamental difference between the C++17 question and the C++20 question was that the C++17 question was self-answered. The point of closing a ...
Are we playing favorites with high-rep users self-answering off-topic questions?
It's not just high rep users. If you're Famous Enough™, you can get away with it too.
Don't make me link to examples. You can find one or two in some of my more recent and prominent Meta questions.
Are we playing favorites with high-rep users self-answering off-topic questions?
Let's not language-lawyer the close reasons; Yakk's question about C++17 is useful and should stay.
lateo96's question about C++20 might've been closed incorrectly, but it doesn't change the ...
Help me understand why this question is not focused enough
I can see where the close voters are perhaps coming from*1, although it would arguably be "Needs details or clarity", rather than "Needs more focus" (the final "reason" ...
Help me understand why this question is not focused enough
The version of the question which was closed doesn't include your recent edits mentioning that you were trying to get RegexRule working. You just said:
Is this possible with .htaccess or some other ...
Are we playing favorites with high-rep users self-answering off-topic questions?
Why do we close questions?
Because it prevents answers from being be posted.
Why do we want to prevent answers from being posted?
Because we want to prevent bad answers from being posted.
Why do ...
- 521k
Are we playing favorites with high-rep users self-answering off-topic questions?
I don't see any problem with the question, as long as it is specific and answers are kept brief and of high technical quality. The question itself needs to be phrased so that it asks for a narrow ...
Are we playing favorites with high-rep users self-answering off-topic questions?
To expand on S.S. Anne's answer (which I agree with completely) a bit, a strict interpretation of "broad, but with a good self-answer" questions as off-topic would badly inhibit the ability to write ...
Ryan MMod
- 20k
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
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