17 votes

Why was this edit, which added a link, rejected?

Don't try to make a grain of sand into a tiny pearl. Just as it's not a good idea to try to answer questions that don't meet the site standards, it isn't helpful to find a question that was asked in ...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
15 votes

Why are my edits which add the "kernighan-and-ritchie" tag to relevant questions being rejected?

I'm guessing these edits get rejected because they don't add any critical information. In fact, if we test that kernighan-and-ritchie tag against the burnination criteria: Does it describe the ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
  • 71.8k
12 votes

Best practices on cutting a correct comment and pasting/processing it into its parent post when I don't have full editing privileges?

The confusion is almost certainly from the fact that this was a suggested edit and had to go through review by other users who also almost certainly never saw the comment you flagged. The answer's ...
TylerH's user avatar
  • 21.1k
10 votes

Requesting clarification - how did this tag wiki edit fall short according to the criteria in the "Reject" reason?

As well as being grammatically incorrect, this was not completely accurate. The -pedantic option does force a higher level of standards-compliance, but does not succeed in eliminating all cases of non-...
Oleg Valter is with Ukraine's user avatar
8 votes

Invalid code in frequently viewed question

From reading the answers, it appears that the code provided isn't invalid, it more likely just "bad" code. An answer, which is the accepted answer, specifically references that the question ...
Thom A's user avatar
  • 92.4k
5 votes

Best practices on cutting a correct comment and pasting/processing it into its parent post when I don't have full editing privileges?

In my opinion, you did right. The only problem is who handles what: "No longer needed" flag on comments are addressed by mods Edit are reviewed by users After 2k rep, your edits will be ...
Tensibai's user avatar
  • 15.7k
5 votes

Invalid code in frequently viewed question

The whole question is about the single key and two possible values for it. And the intention of the current code seems to be The key could be assigned with bla or with omg. That is, assigning "...
Tsyvarev's user avatar
  • 62.9k
3 votes

Why was an edit adding a class tag to a question about that class rejected?

Tags are mainly used to bring questions in front of the right experts. Answerers are likely to have filters set-up so they see interesting questions for them to answer. Wrongly tagged questions ...
rene's user avatar
  • 41.9k

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