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27 votes

Can I flag suspected AI-generated posts as "Plagiarized content"?

tl;dr Yes, you can. And your flag should be marked "helpful"1. However, "In need of moderator intervention" is still a better flag choice. Any content which is not authored by the ...
blackgreen's user avatar
  • 42.4k
17 votes

Why was my answer deleted without engaging me?

Please, explain what parts of my answer made you come to the conclusion that my answer is plagiarised! If this is about people thinking your content is AI-generated (a specific form of plagiarism, ...
starball's user avatar
  • 44.4k
13 votes

Plagiarism flags should not be automatically cleared when the post is self-deleted

This bug was resolved; plagiarism flags will no longer automatically disappear upon self-deletion. Thanks for reporting!
kristinalustig's user avatar
  • 343
7 votes

Is it plagiarism if my solution is reposted with a minor change that makes it work with an older version?

I think the key question is whether they copied the general idea, or a nontrivial specific implementation. Put another way: is it clearly primarily copy-pasting a nontrivial implementation of yours, ...
Ryan M's user avatar
  • 19.8k
6 votes

What's going on with Articles on Microsoft Azure Collective?

This is expected. zcoop98's comment references a question I asked which addressed essentially the same issue. SE Inc. actively encourages Collectives to copy-paste their existing documentation and ...
Joundill's user avatar
  • 7,472
5 votes

Plagiarism flags on deleted posts cannot be retracted

I just noticed that I can retract my flag now. This should be marked as status-completed. See the screenshot:
M--'s user avatar
  • 28.3k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible