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40 votes

My "People Reached (Impact)" jumped from 50k to over 260k+

According to your reputation history, you got an upvote on this answer 2 days ago. That question had ~207k views, which added to your prior ~54k views, for the new total of ~261k. The upvote caused ...
Nat's user avatar
  • 1,096
23 votes

What is the average impact score on Stack Overflow?

The answer is 63,112 give or take a few hundred (the internal algorithm is slightly different, what I used here is the closest you will get with the public available data). That is based on the score ...
rene's user avatar
  • 42.2k
18 votes

What does "people reached" signify and how is it calculated?

The results from the query in the accepted answer aren't correct. It will include all questions where the user has a positively scored answer as even though it includes ranking code to calculate the ...
Martin Smith's user avatar
17 votes

Has the impact calculation changed?

So Tim's comment got me thinking... have there been any highly viewed questions I've posted in recently? Yes! Here it is: Python Numpy: how to count the number of true elements in a bool array It ...
cs95's user avatar
  • 399k
12 votes

Why did my impact count decrease?

Using this SEDE query, you can see that 78k of your 80k came from this question. Reading this meta post, your answer is not the accepted answer, does not have a score of at least 5 and does not have ...
Ivar's user avatar
  • 6,665
7 votes

Does edits to questions and answers on other OPs get accounted for in my IMPACT calculation?

So as suggested by Robert, I had a look at We're working on a new stat to help convey the reach of your posts here As I was not able to properly understand whether or not they consider Editing on ...
SiddAjmera's user avatar
  • 39.2k
5 votes

Detailed Impact view

Because the impact is only a rough estimate, it doesn't make much sense to have a breakdown. If you do want one, you can use SEDE to find this out. @rene has already done this in this answer on Meta ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 22.5k
5 votes

Is there an "impact history"?

I've made a SEDE query myself for this purpose, but I couldn't make the question is top 3 answer work without triggering a timeout. Anyway, you can easily use this to see your answers in top posts: ...
Erik A's user avatar
  • 32.5k
4 votes

Does bounty increase my 'people reached'?

if I start a bounty of someone's question? Putting a bounty itself does not affect the "people reached" stats. The stats only count your own posts while also fulfilling some other criteria ...
Andrew T.'s user avatar
  • 4,708
3 votes

My Reach Has Jumped

Looks like it's from this answer. It just recently got another upvote, which put it at 5. That's the cutoff to qualify it for being counted as part of your "people reached". Since the post has ~380,...
resueman's user avatar
  • 10.6k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible