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260 votes

Why is a robot getting a badge that states it is not a robot?

Somewhere on Stack Overflow is an easter egg I inserted directly in SQL today. I wonder how long it’ll take people to find it… I was wondering how long it'd take meta to notice. About 21 hours, not ...
Nick Craver's user avatar
116 votes

A New Silver Badge That Robots Simply Can't Win

I don't like this idea. All current badges are for site participation. The purpose of badges is to encourage people to be more active on the site and help maintain and keep the site going. Attending a ...
Tot Zam's user avatar
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55 votes

A New Silver Badge That Robots Simply Can't Win

I think having a badge for something that has nothing to do with making SO a better site devalues other badges. By making this proposed badge a silver one you are basically stating that if I spend ...
Geeky Guy's user avatar
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39 votes

A New Silver Badge That Robots Simply Can't Win

This is not a terrible idea at all. Indeed, this can be quite fun for a significant subset of the community, so it is not really bad. Yet, it clearly sounded uncanny to some people. So, here is some ...
28 votes

Why is a robot getting a badge that states it is not a robot?

That's because community looked up our list of upcoming Stack Overflow events and came to one to get the badge. You can do that, too!† †Only available at selected events. Your mileage ...
Sklivvz's user avatar
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28 votes

A New Silver Badge That Robots Simply Can't Win

Luke Willis's user avatar
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23 votes

A New Silver Badge That Robots Simply Can't Win

What if instead of badges you started a pin gig like the guys over at Penny Arcade? People would be able to collect physical pins that look nice, frame them on the walls, trade at every StackOverflow ...
user1306322's user avatar
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19 votes

Will there be any future events for users to earn the Not a Robot badge, or is the badge retired?

I'm... I guess really confused by your request. We're in the middle of a pandemic that's showing no signs of stopping and we don't know what the future holds. I'm also not really sure why it matters ...
Catija's user avatar
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18 votes

Will there be any future events for users to earn the Not a Robot badge, or is the badge retired?

The badge specifically refers to in person meetings. Perhaps you could suggest a different one for virtual meetings, but that would be different; "Not a Deep Fake" for example? Clearly there ...
Travis J's user avatar
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17 votes

Why does the Community user still have a 'Not a Robot' badge?

There is no specification for Easter eggs. Thus there is nothing that requires one to be removed once found.
VLAZ's user avatar
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15 votes

A New Silver Badge That Robots Simply Can't Win

In many cases there is going to be some sort of cost to get this badge. Even if the event is free there is still travel cost, lodging, food that the person may need to shell out. Even if it was only a ...
NathanOliver's user avatar
12 votes

A New Silver Badge That Robots Simply Can't Win

So people don’t seem to like mixing real-world badges with the ones earned on the site. And they have a point - the current badges are arguably pretty egalitarian in that anyone with a computer and ...
Pekka's user avatar
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9 votes

How should one prove that an account is theirs when getting a "Not a Robot" badge?

When there is an event with at least 50 participants that Stack Overflow is organizing or participating in we have someone (a booth or persons) who have a stack (yes, I said stack) of stickers. The ...
Taryn's user avatar
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8 votes

Benefits of having a `Not-A-Robot` badge

There are none. Badges are meant as encouragement (next to reputation) for participating in the site. Except for gold tag badges, which grant dupehammer rights, and a handful of badges necessary to ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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6 votes

A New Silver Badge That Robots Simply Can't Win

Single use QR codes is one option, where we hand you a physical version of the badge as a sticker with the code on the back. We are very open to ideas here. Sounds wasteful. Why not add some API to ...
null's user avatar
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6 votes

A New Silver Badge That Robots Simply Can't Win

Single use QR codes is one option, where we hand you a physical version of the badge as a sticker with the code on the back. That seems like overkill (although those physical badges could be ...
Kevin's user avatar
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5 votes

Not a Robot badge events

A comprehensive list is now available here: This shows a list of all past and upcoming events.
Sklivvz's user avatar
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4 votes

How did a user earn the Not a Robot badge earlier this year despite no events planned since the pandemic?

Yes, you are correct. We (I) forgot to award the badge. Kind of. There is an ambiguity in the way we award the Not A Robot badge. Particularly, when a user gets the badge on one of our international ...
Nicolas Chabanovsky's user avatar
4 votes

Not A Robot Badge Not Valid - How to get help?

I reached out via the contact us link (down there vvvvv) and now I have the badge.
Erty Seidohl's user avatar
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3 votes

Will there be any future events for users to earn the Not a Robot badge, or is the badge retired?

Nobody knows... And I don't think that somebody is planning a meeting right now. (But it would certainly be a nice idea, so we definitely should not forget it.)
NoDataDumpNoContribution's user avatar
1 vote

Link to upcoming/past Stack Overflow events via the 'Not A Robot' badge?

A comprehensive list is now available here. This shows a list of all past and upcoming events.
Sklivvz's user avatar
  • 31k

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