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101 votes

What is that "New contributor" icon supposed to be?

I interpret it as a waving hand. If you check the HTML, you can figure out that the <svg> element has iconWave as class name. That confirms my interpretation. Personal opinion: I have seen the ...
KarelG's user avatar
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86 votes

New Contributor Indicator! Can we make it less intrusive?

Here's a quick rule for your favourite adblocker to make the element as unobtrusive as it can possibly be: Or using a userstyles plugin: .new-contributor-indicator{ ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
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80 votes

How long is one a "new contributor"?

From Folks will see an indicator when they go to interact with new contributors (visible for a week following their first post) The indicator is specific for each site, and it doesn't ...
yivi's user avatar
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69 votes

"New contributor" should reflect main sites, not meta sites

Someone that has a lot of experience on the main site may be completely unaware of the customs, do's and don'ts on meta. That user is a new user to meta, regardless of their level of Jon-Skeetness, ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
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67 votes

New Contributor Indicator! Can we make it less intrusive?

Is that not a bit too much in our face to have 3 rather rude injunctions to "do as the man said", on the same page, on every new comer post? It seems that there is a suspicion that the intent of ...
Reblochon Masque's user avatar
43 votes

Are there any resilient data that the "new contributor" indicator helped to push site quality yet?

I'm just going to codify my comment as an answer instead. The New Contributor label is not related to anything in regards to the quality of posts we get from new contributors. It is a mechanism ...
Makoto's user avatar
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34 votes

What is that "New contributor" icon supposed to be?

This seems to be pretty universally accepted among mainstream icon designers to represent a waving hand. See the emojipedia entry for 👋 U+1F44B "Waving Hand Sign". This image is essentially an all-...
Nathan Hinchey's user avatar
29 votes

Can we statistically detect changes in friendliness from the Welcome Wagon, new CoC, New Contributor Indicator, etc?

I pulled year over year (YoY) comparison treatment and control data sets using the Stack Overflow portal of SEDE and this SQL query. The filters on the data were: Comments made on first-time ...
Hack-R's user avatar
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22 votes

Is this "New Contributor" thing even helping?

It's probably too early to have meaningful metrics on the impact the "new contributor" banner is or it is not having. Hopefully in some time we'll get a new blog post telling us about its impact, ...
yivi's user avatar
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18 votes

Reward good questions by new contributors instead of punishing bad ones

I feel that new contributors are often treated a bit harsh on SO. We have all seen the 'Hi, welcome to SO. Here's why your question is bad', accompanied with lots of downvotes and in some cases some ...
Bill the Lizard's user avatar
17 votes

What is (constitutes as being) a new contributor?

Users are considered "new contributors" for one week (7 days) after their first post, regardless of when the account was registered. This specific user has no questions and their oldest answer is ...
ryanyuyu's user avatar
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16 votes

What is that "New contributor" icon supposed to be?

The hand reminds me predominantly of the ISO 3864-2 product safety label "Authorized personnel only" commonly used in mechanical engineering.
jpeg's user avatar
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13 votes

What is that "New contributor" icon supposed to be?

To me it just looks like a "hey, pay attention" icon. The combination of the icon and text draws more attention than only the text would.
user247702's user avatar
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12 votes

Are there any resilient data that the "new contributor" indicator helped to push site quality yet?

How do you measure quality? The only measure any SEDE query will give you is changes in commenting, voting, closing and deletion patterns. But do those numbers give real answer to your question? ...
Dalija Prasnikar's user avatar
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10 votes

Double "new contributor" message

This has been fixed in revision 2024.1.9.3159. When closing the dialog, we were making the template (the top one) visible. This way, when showing a form next time we were showing the notification ...
marrados's user avatar
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10 votes

A scrollbar appears when hovering over the "New contributor" indicator

The change that introduced this bug has been reverted.
Kyle Pollard's user avatar
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7 votes

What is that "New contributor" icon supposed to be?

I always get alerted when I see that icon 'cause it reminds me of some signs you can find in my country like: It makes me feel under some kind of risk, and it always makes me read the words to be ...
Marco Salerno's user avatar
6 votes

How long is one a "new contributor"?

The "New contributor" label will display for a week after the user's first posting per site, regardless of how long they've had their account on that site. Some people have said that this does not ...
CJ Dennis's user avatar
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5 votes

"New contributor" should reflect main sites, not meta sites

As I attempted to explain in this question, I feel like the indicator appearing on meta even if the user has 10k on main is not good. Since no one has yet offered any explanations for why this seems ...
Clonkex's user avatar
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4 votes

New Contributor indicator showing on user account after old question has been closed

According to What are the exact criteria for the "new contributor" indicator to be shown?: tl;dr We put the indicator on all the posts you make within your first week of posting. The ...
gparyani's user avatar
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2 votes

How can a "new contributor" have over 600 reputation?

Because they've only been on the site for a week. Reputation and answer experience doesn't factor into whether that message is shown. (You probably don't need to go easy on someone who can earn 600 ...
Nissa's user avatar
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