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134 votes

Underline in [`code`](links)

It's not just a matter of being hard to read; this is actually hiding information, in a way that's going to confuse novices. You could argue that nobody's going to be stupid enough to think that C++ ...
abarnert's user avatar
  • 365k
96 votes

Testing GitHub Oneboxes for Stack Overflow for Teams

status-good-point I'll address the guidance with the community team This is amazing, for teams! Actually, it's probably good for Stack Overflow but conflicts with guidance we provide the community. ...
Andy's user avatar
  • 50.5k
61 votes

Underline in [`code`](links)

It's just a matter of taste, but the underlined links look horrible. It is horribly distracting to glance at a paragraph and automatically have your eyes drawn to the colored and underlined text. That ...
David C. Rankin's user avatar
56 votes

Should I fix the formatting if it changes the meaning?

Stack Overflow has always done this (C# type specifiers in < > being interpreted as HTML tags outside of a code block), and I've always fixed them without hesitation. It's not about "don't ...
Caius Jard's user avatar
  • 74.6k
53 votes

Why does this markdown not render as a list?

Add an extra blank line before your list. You have your list and the previous line like this: Worth noting: - My Workspace folder is `C:\Users\Jon\Aukitekt` - My project folder is `C:\Users\Jon\...
Kendra's user avatar
  • 769
52 votes

Testing GitHub Oneboxes for Stack Overflow for Teams

status-completed Markdown status-researching Truncation 1. Markdown What's the likelihood of supporting (at least to some extent) markup in the snippets? Compare the readability of these two: I ...
Rob's user avatar
  • 27.3k
45 votes

Should I fix the formatting if it changes the meaning?

Escape the first < Stream\<Integer> Or use backticks `Stream<Integer>` You're not changing the meaning because It's already there, but seen incorrectly as HTML It's in the code block ...
Machavity's user avatar
  • 31.6k
41 votes

Testing GitHub Oneboxes for Stack Overflow for Teams

status-looking-at-this Line Range When posting a specific line range (as the one below), which I think is very useful, it would be nice to have something saying that this is a specific range (e.g., ...
Berriel's user avatar
  • 13.6k
26 votes

Link with round brackets looks good in preview, but broken after submitting

You're missing a closing bracket: [Wolfram Alpha]( results in: Wolfram Alpha. Note the extra closing bracket at the end: [...](...((10%...
Nick is tired's user avatar
26 votes

Testing GitHub Oneboxes for Stack Overflow for Teams

status-completed I can see how this is useful in SO for Teams. And I can see how these "one-boxes" (I'm a known fan of these, specially in chat) might evolve to other 3rd party services that offer ...
rene's user avatar
  • 42.4k
21 votes

Code wrapped inside sub/superscripts is too big

The cause of the problem appears to be this rule in the SO style sheet: .post-text code, .wmd-preview code { font-size: 13px; } Replacing it with: .post-text code, .wmd-preview code { font-...
Ilmari Karonen's user avatar
21 votes

Code block rendered incorrectly at question but correct in edit window

The question was last edited before backtick formatting was introduced (asked on Oct 17 '16) and the layout has been cached. The rendered output only gets updated when some modifications happen to the ...
BDL's user avatar
  • 22.1k
20 votes

Markdown for checkboxes

GitHub has extended the original Markdown specification; they added checkboxes, tables, code block fences (``` markers) and a few other features. Those are not part of the base specification, and thus ...
Martijn Pieters's user avatar
20 votes

Can we close Markdown rendering bugs against a related but maybe not fitting duplicate

Close as a duplicate if you reasonably believe it's the same bug In general, we should close bug reports as duplicates, if and only if we reasonably believe they are caused by the same bug, not the ...
Makyen's user avatar
  • 33.3k
19 votes

'#' character rendering in output instead of making a heading

SO's help page is weird on this topic. Both the original Daring Fireball's and GitHub's Markdown pages give priority to the form without the trailing #s. (See below.) I'd highly recommend just ...
jpmc26's user avatar
  • 29.8k
19 votes

Link to a specific spot in a Stack Overflow question/answer

You can't, at least not using the formatting (Markdown or HTML) available in Q&A (or even tag wikis). Collective articles (example) automatically get header anchors. One alternative is to use ...
Laurel's user avatar
  • 6,173
14 votes

Square brackets before a link cause incorrect link parsing

Markdown need escaping: [] [text][1] [] [text]1 The right way to do this: \[\] [text][1] [] text It's true even for tags (well I'm surprised too) \[tag:javascript\] [text][1] ...
iBug's user avatar
  • 37.2k
13 votes

Why does code formatting not work in this question?

The code was pasted with U+2028 LINE SEPARATOR characters: public View getView(final int position, View view, ViewGroup parent) {\u2028 final ViewHolder holder;\u2028\u2028\u2028 if (view ...
Martijn Pieters's user avatar
13 votes

Putting numbers of Quoted text overflows

This is by design. In markdown, a number followed by a period and a space creates an ordered list in html. Aka: <ol start="32908529"> <li>23492492</li> </ol> To prevent ...
rene's user avatar
  • 42.4k
13 votes

No limits on quote nesting

This is somewhat of an edge-case, this doesn't occur often enough for it to really need a solution. There isn't a scenario where a question should have deeply nested quotes so any time that occurs, it ...
Kevin B's user avatar
  • 95k
13 votes

Masked links with square brackets aren't rendered in comment Markdown

That's not a supported form of Markdown, on SO. In Q&A, these formats are available: Here's an inline link to [Google]( Here's a reference-style link to [Google][1]. Here's ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
  • 72.8k
12 votes

Why is this code block not rendered?

This is not a bug with the preview, it's a bug with your formatting. A code block must be separated with blank lines before and after it. Your code block is properly indented, but there is no blank ...
Cody Gray's user avatar
  • 245k
12 votes

Is there a way to increase the contrast for blockquotes, such as the old style with a light-yellow background?

You are right. I have bad feelings about that, too. IMHO, It was much easier to read before. I´m sceptical about the reason of misuse as described by user @AsteroidswithWings in the comments since ...
RobertS supports Monica Cellio's user avatar
11 votes

Dollar ('$') character breaks link in saved answer but not in preview when creating/editing

Yeah, the markdown parser obivously gives up on seeing the $. As a workaround, use the explicit link markup: [$mdDialog][2] [2]: https://material....
rene's user avatar
  • 42.4k
11 votes

Change quote formatting to show double-quote marks

How would quotations from complex documents be handled? For example: §3.2 Foo syntax rules When foo is used with bar(123, you must: fsdf dsf fkkdsf födslkföds (123 If bar not baz, then ...
user694733's user avatar
11 votes

Asterisk characters inside <kbd> tags are not rendered correctly

This is not a bug. In Markdown, an asterisk is used to indicate that the subsequent text should be rendered as italic (one asterisk) or bold (two asterisks)—see this section of the editing help. ...
Cody Gray's user avatar
  • 245k
10 votes

How can I mark <italic><bold><italic> (why doesn't `*italic***bold***italic*` work)?

You can nest emphasis and bold just fine, but without intervening spaces, the outermost style applies throughout and so you only need to add bold in the middle. In other words, you have too many ...
Martijn Pieters's user avatar
10 votes

Code wrapped inside sub/superscripts is too big

This has been fixed. Code inside <sub> and <sup> tags are now set at 90%, which makes them ~11px in the first level and scale gracefully with each level. Recursive code Recursive code ...
Brian Nickel's user avatar
  • 27.5k
9 votes

Several posts with incorrect image Markdown syntax

New users cannot embed images into their posts - that's something that's unlocked at 10 reputation along with being able to post more than two links at all. It's easy to just remove the ! at the front ...
animuson's user avatar
  • 54.7k
9 votes

Markdown link broken in new Close Votes menu

This should be fixed now. Thanks!
Yaakov Ellis's user avatar
  • 41.5k

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