Real-time question updates not working correctly
On Stack Overflow, real-time notifications for new questions are a privilege granted at 30 reputation, as explained in this answer by Oded. This is due to performance reasons and does not apply to ...
Stale/fake statistics for questions loaded live
In what might be the shortest official response ever, animuson tagged the question with [status-bydesign] an hour ago. For want of any further feedback, I assume the issue is closed.
Quoting a ...
"X questions with new activity" link performance optimization
Here's a "quick" profile loading 49 questions:
It looks like most of the time (4133.6ms) is spent rendering.
Loading only took 9.1ms.
If anything, rendering the response appears to be a (massive) ...
Why do comment timestamps no longer update unless the page is reloaded?
This was fixed on June 15.
As was pointed out in the comments, the time updater was looking for titles that were exactly 20 characters long, and the license text broke that assumption.
We ended up ...
Why is my meta reputation only synchronized every hour?
Just because - it looks like 1 hour is good enough and any scheduled synchronization process (another example is revenge-downvote cleanup script) will have some period to run - one hour sounds like a ...
How come I get new updates on Meta but not on Stack Overflow itself?
The main site is ridiculously active - it gets a few questions every minute. Now add edits and answers to that. Making all of them increment a counter that resets only when you click on it would not ...
Why is the 'show removed posts' checkbox disabled by default? Why is it there?
To answer your new question:
Why is the "show removed posts" checkbox disabled by default?
Removed posts don't have any effect at all on your (total) reputation[1]. Showing those removed posts by ...
Issue with dynamically loaded questions in the "Newest" tab
This will be fixed in the next build.
The problem was simply that when we loaded the new questions, we weren't telling the renderer that we were on a "newest" list, so it was defaulting to showing ...
Show a notice when comment has been edited since the page was loaded
Comments aren't refreshed or updated automatically. They're reloaded after a user reloads the page, or clicks the link to see more comments.
Because of this, the page doesn't know that a comment has ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
Related Tags
live-refresh × 61bug × 37
feature-request × 12
status-completed × 9
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status-bydesign × 7
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