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422 votes

Are error messages required to be posted in English?

Errors should be provided in full and as they appear on your screen. They should be provided in a text form as a citation (or in code block if the message is preformatted). You are quoting whatever ...
Dharman's user avatar
  • 32.7k
139 votes

Are error messages required to be posted in English?

As a potential FAQ item (rev2, see previous revision): I got a non-English error message. It's not my own code that produced it. How can I ask about it or include it in a question on Stack Overflow? ...
NoDataDumpNoContribution's user avatar
95 votes

Systematic "This is our fault." on some links

I unfortunately don't have an awesome answer here. We don't have an exhaustive list of contributing factors yet. I woke up to a server farm on fire as well. I'll share what we know, it's all I've got. ...
Nick Craver's user avatar
38 votes

How to more accurately describe my question?

After many helpful comments, I re-wrote my question as: How do I change the border color of <option> elements when focused in Google Chrome? When I did so, Stack Overflow suggested a new list ...
cag8f's user avatar
  • 948
33 votes

Missing link in "Please see: Why can't I post LMGTFY links?"

Instead of adding a link, I'd propose this small modification in the message text as a solution:
GolezTrol's user avatar
  • 116k
33 votes

Are error messages required to be posted in English?

In this particular case, the error message looks like it follows a standard pattern, so whether the line headings on the left are in English, German or whatever shouldn't matter too much to an SME ...
Adriaan's user avatar
  • 18.2k
30 votes

404 Error page says "We found this program" but does not actually contain a program on mobile

This was supposed to be a funny joke that relates to how the 404 page is rendered on desktop, with an arty "program" displayed alongside the error text: Since this image is not displayed on mobile, ...
Lightness Races in Orbit's user avatar
28 votes

Unable to post question due to large number of characters

To counter nbk's answer, links to GitHub or Pastebin would be absolutely fine if this were mainly a help site where the goal was to give personal help to the original poster, but it's not; rather it ...
Hovercraft Full Of Eels's user avatar
27 votes

Missing link in "Please see: Why can't I post LMGTFY links?"

Well, this appears to be one of those non-obvious behaviors that cause nothing but headaches: the internal logic adds a rel attribute to the link that then causes the sanitizer to strip the link out ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 159k
26 votes

Seeing "It was not possible to perform this tag search at this time due to an unexpected error" intermittently

(repeated from here) The short summary of this one is "because internet"; it turns out some annoying folks were doing annoying things specifically to be annoying, and a side-effect was ...
Marc Gravell's user avatar
23 votes

How did a moderator manage to break this question by trying to close it?

We had a ton of SQL timeouts right around the time when this question was closed (I'm not sure about the cause of those), so it looks like the close vote from Cody was cast and took effect, but the ...
Adam Lear's user avatar
  • 38.6k
19 votes

Heading, followed by code: Your post appears to contain code that is not properly formatted as code

It took me half an hour to understand, that it still need an empty line below the title (more accurate: in front of the code) *Some Title* -- code that was below the title *text explaining the ...
Skandix's user avatar
  • 1,984
16 votes

How did a moderator manage to break this question by trying to close it?

It seems that this bug only occurs for users who are able to view/cast close votes (3k+ rep). A user in the comments with 2.3k rep can see the question, viewing it as a 1-rep sock account also shows ...
Ryan M's user avatar
  • 19.8k
16 votes

Can't post question because of error: "Comments must be at least 15 characters in length."

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. The issue has now been resolved in Production. This issue came about as we're working behind the scenes on the recently-announced Staging Ground project. ...
Tyler McEntee's user avatar
15 votes

Server Error: Failed to upload image; an error occurred on the server

It's not DNS There's no way it's DNS It was DNS This issue has been remediated. We've manually updated our DNS records to make sure the image upload service resolves correctly. It's currently just ...
KyleMit's user avatar
  • 33.9k
14 votes

Error: unusual error updating your profile

[UPDATE 2] Issue has been resolved. Thanks again for the report! [UPDATE 1] Issue found. Fix being worked on. Will let folks know once it's been deployed. Thanks for the report. Submitting an internal ...
Dalmarus's user avatar
  • 101
12 votes

Simplify reputation threshold message

Because users who don't have the association bonus but have at least 10 rep on the site can answer protected questions.
pppery's user avatar
  • 3,787
11 votes

Getting "Oops! Something Bad Happened!" error

This should be fixed now. One of our internal services, Providence, was returning null as a value in one of its collections (eg: ['foo', null, 'bar']). Those values were then being used as lookups ...
rossipedia's user avatar
  • 58.9k
11 votes

The "Question Ban" error page should warn NOT to create new accounts

We went ahead and updated the copy on the Ask Ban error page. It now looks like this (screenshot): You can't post new questions right now Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions from your ...
Felippe Rangel's user avatar
  • 101
10 votes

Account not allowed to suggest edits

Suggested edits by other users may hide or just disable the edit button (disable as in when you click it, there's an error). The edit button is also hidden from the mobile layout if there's a pending ...
Zoe - Save the data dump's user avatar
10 votes

How can I avoid "An error occurred submitting the edit" error message? (working July 13th)

July 13th: it does work, again... July 12th: it does not work, again... Update one week later (July 10th, Monday): edits seem to work now. I will confirm later today (on different computers) if that ...
VonC's user avatar
  • 1.3m
9 votes

Seeing "It was not possible to perform this tag search at this time due to an unexpected error" intermittently

I had this happen this morning, but after a couple of reloads the problem went away. However I'm getting it again now. I can confirm the following: No console or network errors are reported back to ...
James Donnelly's user avatar
9 votes

Why not fail silently when a user attempts to re-upvote a comment?

Sure it does: it affirms to the user that their vote was indeed registered. Further, I suspect many-to-most users of this particular platform will then intuit "Oh, my cache is to blame because I ...
msanford's user avatar
  • 12.1k
9 votes

Improving the error page with relevant, current information

I tend to disagree with this sentiment. When I've attempted to access and hit the offline page, I agree with @VLAZ in that I often don't care about the extra information. If I am really concerned ...
Shavk with a Hoon's user avatar
8 votes

My reputation page gives a 500 error

This should be fixed. Nick went poking at it and accidentally fixed it while debugging. We're not sure of the cause but will keep an eye out for any other occurrences.
Taryn's user avatar
  • 247k
8 votes

"Quality Standards" error not very useful?

There's a link to the help center's section on how to ask questions on the right. They were shown information on how to ask questions and required to acknowledge that they read it before being ...
Servy's user avatar
  • 203k
8 votes

Server Error: Failed to upload image; an error occurred on the server

One of the moderators on Meta Stack Exchange posted a workaround for the bug that works if you're willing to upload to Imgur directly. I'm reproducing the post here in case some readers are interested ...
bad_coder's user avatar
  • 12.5k
7 votes

Advertisement 502 Bad Gateway Error

It's not coming from us directly. The ads we show aren't served through nginx. It's probably just a display ad, whose serving server had an issue. These things happen from time to time and I don't ...
Horia Coman's user avatar
  • 8,771
7 votes

A single question leads to an Oops! Something bad happened, but only for me

This is probably not a very common scenario, but here's what happened: You have a gold badge in support. That makes you eligible to edit the dupe targets on that question. The check we run is shared ...
Adam Lear's user avatar
  • 38.6k
7 votes

"Body is missing" when you didn't confirm inserting a link

Judging by formatting, "insert stuff" is meant as a modal dialog, so a more intuitive solution would probably be to disable the save button while it's active.
ivan_pozdeev's user avatar
  • 35.5k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible