Is a comment saying that somebody refuses to help due to politics and nationality "unfriendly or unkind?"
Yes, I would even say that you can use the "harassment, bigotry or abuse" flag. This is not an appropriate comment for Stack Overflow.
When answering questions, the person who authored the ...
- 32.7k
Is a comment saying that somebody refuses to help due to politics and nationality "unfriendly or unkind?"
To be blunt, I feel that this earlier answer covers the general CoC policy. To reiterate it: stating that you are intentionally not helping someone because of any perceived attribute about that ...
Is a comment saying that somebody refuses to help due to politics and nationality "unfriendly or unkind?"
Let's not forget that we're building a repository of Q&A for the community at large. Today one might be helping a Russian person get unstuck, tomorrow it might be someone else getting unstuck by ...
Is a comment saying that somebody refuses to help due to politics and nationality "unfriendly or unkind?"
Was this the correct thing to do?
Yes, it was. The comment was clearly made in violation of the current Code of Conduct under the "no bigotry" ruling. Speech with the sole intention to ...
Is a comment saying that somebody refuses to help due to politics and nationality "unfriendly or unkind?"
If you want to be political in your profile, we generally allow that. Your profile is mostly yours (still subject to the Code of Conduct, obviously). If you want to protest governmental actions there ...
- 31.4k
Is a comment saying that somebody refuses to help due to politics and nationality "unfriendly or unkind?"
If someone had commented a month ago or two years ago or... that they would refuse to help someone from China because of the atrocities committed by the CCP, or if someone today was of the ...
New blog article: opening the can of worms?
There are two things coursing through my mind when I read this Meta post:
I'm really tired of having to hash through this feeling of being cast aside as a curator. But, I think I know why.
Follow ...
New blog article: opening the can of worms?
That begs the question: what is the definition of "everyone who codes"?
The definition is quite clear, as long as you don't nitpick about "writing code" versus "copying and pasting code". In doubt, ...
Is a comment saying that somebody refuses to help due to politics and nationality "unfriendly or unkind?"
You did the right thing by flagging the response. SO is not the right platform to share personal/political opinions.
I have been so proud of the technical community, the people of different ...
Is a comment saying that somebody refuses to help due to politics and nationality "unfriendly or unkind?"
Is a comment saying that somebody refuses to help due to politics and nationality "unfriendly or unkind?"
Yes, absolutely. You did well to report it.
As Dharman already pointed out, ...
Is a comment saying that somebody refuses to help due to politics and nationality "unfriendly or unkind?"
Does SO have a stance on politically motivated comments?
Aside from whether it's "unkind" and so on, it's highly off-topic as a comment.
You can maybe talk about politics in a chat room, ...
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