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56 votes

Collections: A New Feature for Collectives on Stack Overflow

Why can we upvote these collections, but not downvote them? This seems very much contra-intuitive as it looks like a question score but isn't. If these things should have a score, it should reflect ...
Erik A's user avatar
  • 32.6k
43 votes

Collections: A New Feature for Collectives on Stack Overflow

This is just tags, but with extra steps to it. Why not add this sort of functionality to the base tagging system instead?
Makoto's user avatar
  • 106k
19 votes

Collections: A New Feature for Collectives on Stack Overflow

One of the potential uses I can think of for this feature is to collect high quality duplicate targets. For really common duplicates, it's sometimes hard to find that perfect canonical Q&A that ...
Ian Campbell's user avatar
  • 24.7k
16 votes

Collections: A New Feature for Collectives on Stack Overflow

It doesn't look broadly useful to me, but, maybe? Grouping up frequently asked questions for a given language somewhere is great, but, what purpose does it serve if it's somewhere no one who needs ...
Kevin B's user avatar
  • 95k
7 votes

The add post to Collection search box shows incorrect vote and view counts

The issue has been fixed. The issue was only happening when a direct URL was used vs typing in the exact characters from the title. Details on what went wrong? We weren't correctly passing the full ...
Carrott's user avatar
  • 155
6 votes

Random semicolon in collections

This issue has been resolved. The extra semicolon was removed.
Carrott's user avatar
  • 155
5 votes

Collections: A New Feature for Collectives on Stack Overflow

bug status-completed Much more trivial than the concerns raised by others, but the curse of pluralization has struck in the Guidelines sidebar... This list was created by a Collective Admins. Any ...
IMSoP's user avatar
  • 97k

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